Chapter 52

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The moment the older boy said this, a white light came out of his wand that was heading to Namjoons way.
Those few seconds felt like an eternity, it was the first time both Jisung and Seungmin were witnessing someone use the killing curse, it was forbidden, good wizards were never using this spell if they wanted to defeat an enemy, in a few was unethical to do so.

The thoughts of his got interrupted when he heard a faint scream...he had been hitted...

The pressure and the impetus made the young boy lose his balance and without nothing to prevent him from falling, he eventually... went down the tall tower.

"NO!" Jisung screamed with tears in his eyes, not a very wise move considering they were literally hiding but he couldn't help it...

The loud yell got Seokjins attention "WHO THE FUCK IS HERE!" He growled

'Fuck I didn't just- Stupid Jisung stupid!'

Seungmin unlocked their fingers, his palm moved to Jisung's shoulder caressing it while mouthing 'Stay here'

Jisung disagreed grabbing the youngers wrist quickly 'I won't let you go alone!' What if Seungmin ended up like Namjoon?! He couldn't risk losing another one of his friends and more importantly his best friend...

The younger boy cracked a smile at the others worried grin 'Trust me Sungie! I know how to handle this...'

For the first time in his life he was doubting this trust thingy he had for his friend. Jisung closed his eyes and sighed before mouthing a 'Be careful!'

The brunette stand up confidently, slowly walking up the stairs...

"Hey Seokjin!"

The older boy suddenly froze, examining the boy infront of him from head to toe, it seemed like he was trying to find his words. "What the fuck..." He stammered in disbelief "Why you from all Hogwarts students?!"

Jisung on the other hand was confused 'They know each other?'. To his surprise his friend wasn't looking frightened at all considering the fact he was facing a death eater, instead, he looked kind of...angry

Seungmin sighed "What are you doing here? Haven't you died already?! WHY DID YOU KILLED NAMJOON LIKE THIS!" The Ravenclaw boy snapped, forcing his hands into fists

"Ts" Seokjin grinned and got closer to the other but not too close "That's kind of mean Seungmo... And why you are so rude? 'You' ain't a honorific to use while talking to your older brother!"

'OLDER WHAWT?!' Jisung thought, his eyes widened and he really wished he could scream

Seungmin didn't say a word, he was just standing there looking at his brother with disgust

"And now angry puppy, if you excuse me, I'm going to leave" Seokjin announced "And if you don't wanna end up like your little friend..." He got closer to the point they were face to face "Don't try to stop me!" He finished harshly pushing the boy to the floor before making his way off the tower.

The boy frowned when he made contact with the cold floor but not long later he remembered...

"JISUNG!" Seungmin screamed, worried about the slightly older boy

Before Jisung could take a moment to actually realize what was happening, he found himself a few centimeters away from the death eater...

"Jisung? As we say...Han Jisung? Or in other words...the mudblood!"

Jsiung froze, he hated this so much, he hated this nickname more than anything in the world. He felt unprotected, small and useless. How could he even try to defend himself? He doubted if he was even blinking or breathing properly this whole time. It was known that death eaters not only seek the restoration of pure-blood rule over the Wizarding community, but also the eventual subjugation of the Muggle community under Wizarding rule.

The dark lords obsession with blood purity signifiex his aim to rid the wizarding world of muggle heritage and to conquer both worlds, muggle and wizarding, to achieve pure-blood dominance. Which was something that didn't benefited Jisung, quite the opposite. He was scared about what the boy infront of him was going to do to him knowing the fact he was muggle-born...the only thing that comes to his mind was he was going to kill him...right now and here...

Being pretty sure about his fate and having his whole body paralyzed from the overwhelm of emotions, he closed his eyes, too scared to face what was coming for him...


Jisung screamed at the hearing of those two words being said, squeezing his eyes closed while hugging himself tremendously. Pretty sure he has been hitted by the curse.

'No I don't want to die! What about Minho? I don't know who he'll reach. Especially after he learns that I died in a such dumb way. What about my paren-'

"JISUNG! JISUNG!" The blonde boy could hear faintly someone calling him, but he wasn't sure that it was because he's dying...

'It's a hallucination...a dream... What's happening I'm scared, I can't breath-"

"Open your eyes Sungie! I'M HERE!" He felt someone embracing him, holding him tightly and caressing his head. It felt nice and warm..
Jisung opened his eyes slowly, his head was placed in Seungmin's chest and his head felt surprisingly a little wet.

'I'm not dead and Seungmin's hugging me... so who's the one that received the death curse- OH NO!'

"Seungmin!" The young boy turned around "Please don't cry please!" The boy's eyes had reddened and tears were constantly falling to his cheeks, this was the first time he saw the boy cry...

"I-I was scared h-he would harm y-you" Seungmin sobbed

"PUPPY?" A voice shouted loudly and they could also hear some steps which were coming up the stairs.
"HANNIE!" A different voice spoke up

'Hyunjin and Minho!'

"OVER HERE!" Jisung answered and almost immediately he heard the steps getting faster and louder, until they stopped, meaning that the two boys had already reached the top

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Hyunjin gasped, kneeling down to the floor next to his boyfriend the moment he saw the distress on the youngers face, cupping both of his cheeks and brushing them softly with his thumbs "Minnie?"

Jisung meanwhile had standed up to hug Minho, who was giving him some worried glances every now and then. Seungmin wasn't in any state to give any explanation of what happened "Just take him out of here please...he needs to go somewhere safe! He'll explain when he's ready." He implied

"We found the room of requirement! Most professors and students are there now we're talking.." Minho chimed in

"Let's go then now!"

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