Chapter 34

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It's been three days since the boys went to the amusement park and the weekend had obviously started with them going back to their daily routine. After leaving the park Minho and Jisung didn't shared many interactions, mostly eye contacts and random flirty smiles since they had a really different time scedule. It was lunch time, Jisung, Felix, Changbin, Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin were gathered at the Great Hall.

"Sung!" Changbin spoke up. "You spaced out, what are you thinking about?"

"Ugh baby baby think a little bit...Minho obviously. Since they kissed they barely had time to see each other" Felix took a sip of his drink leaving Jisung shocked

"HOW THE HECK DO YOU KNOW?! There's only one person who-" He turned his head and suspiciously looked at Jeongin who looked busy observing the ceiling trying to avoid Jisung's eyes "YOU LITTLE-"

"IT'S TRUE?!" Hyunjin shouted out loud. Seungmin fed him some fries so he would shut up. "How dare you puppy last time I kissed you and you just fed me some fries..."

"You want kisses?" Seungmin asked the older male who cheerfully nodded and closed his eyes immediately waiting for the kiss smiling.

Seungmin didn't kissed him tho. He instead hitted him softly on the lips with his two fingers. The older was disappointed when he opened his eyes. He was wearing a visible pout. The Ravenclaw boy couldn't just leave him like that...he loved this idiot nevertheless.

"Ugh what I am going to do with you..." Seungmin said to himself, he got closer and pecked Hyunjin quickly, getting flustered as hell immediately after the action.

"Oh dear God have mercy..." Jisung closed his eyes pretending to be disguised


"We kissed. Just this. Nothing more happened. No commitment."

"That's because you ran away from him like he was chasing you!" Jeongin spoke up

"AREN'T YOU ON MY SIDE?! Naauurrr my baby doesn't love meee" Jisung dramatically hugged Jeongin messing up his hair "You're the one who said this to everyone anyways!"

"I JUST SAID IT TO FELIX!" The Gryffindor protested


"WHY ARE YOU GUYS TALKING LIKE I'M NOT HERE-" Felix got interrupted by Chans arrival

"Heyy! What are those kids arguing about?" He settled himself next to Jisung "Oh Sung...Minho gave this to me for you." Chan said and gave Jisung a box. It was neither too big nor too small. "He told me that he would probably not make it for lunch but he wants you to have this. It has a letter inside so be careful!"

Jisung wasn't expecting something like this. 'This idiot is skipping lunch again!'. He chose not to open the box infront of his friends but he saw them getting curious

"Arent you going to open this? You're killing me!" Hyunjin said dramatically and Seungmin hitted him playfully

"Sometimes being his roommate has it's positives. That's my reward for waking him up EVERY FREAKIN DAY. Like for real sometimes I question if I should throw water on him or something in order to wake him up!" Seungmin said making everyone laugh and Jisung shouting a 'YAA'


The night had come. Everyone was in their common rooms, at the Ravenclaw boys dorm as well. Namjoon, Mingi, Seungmin and Jisung were sitting at their beds, Namjoon was reading a book, Mingi was playing with his toad, Seungmin was just trying to sleep early and Jisung was looking at the box Minho gave him, without opening it though.

"Don't you think it's time to open the box? Seriously I might had punched Hyunjin earlier but wow the curiosity is killing me too!" Seungmin spoke up

Jisung just rolled his eyes and decided that it was time finally. He slowly removed the ribbon that was holding the box closed, he opened the box and saw two things. One letter and...

"OH MY GOD IS THIS AN INVISIBILITY CLOAK?!" Namjoon jumped out his bed in excitement and curled up next to Jisung

"An indiviti whawt-" Mingi questioned, watching his roommates getting excited over the box Jisung was holding made him curious so he went closer to have a look

"Mingi cannot englishi don't mind him.." Namjoon teased the younger boy who playfully punched him on the arm.

"How the actual heck did he managed to find an invisibility cloak?!" Seungmin asked

"Lee Minho gave you this? This boy is rich af from what I've heard from Yeosang! Also it's been heard his parents and brother are doing some dark business with you-know-who coworkers and that his new Beauxbaton sister abandoned them!" Mingi continued petting his toad

'People be saying much...' Jisung said to himself. He slowly opened the letter. The three boys curled up next to Jisung to  read what it's saying leaving Jisung no space to breath.

'Hello my squirrel

Sorry I pretty much disappeared those days, I have many things to settle down. I can't really tell you exactly what right now but I promise in the immediate future I will. Everything is okay don't worry, for real. I'm not telling you that just because I know you get worried soo easily hehe:)

Okay so there's an invisibility cloak in the box, I suppose you already saw that. I have a surprise for you in the woods, I'm gonna be waiting for you there. Five minutes EXACT before midnight leave the dorm and head to the castle grounds but don't pass the Great Hall. The professors have an exact route when they're guarding the halls. We don't want to get caught by a portrait that loves gossiping or a ghost, particularly peeves or an unfriendly one like the Bloody Baron. Be really careful and head on the castle grounds as quickly as you can since Hogwarts can be really scary at night and there are surprises in every corner. As long as you don't get curious about the stuff that is going around you everything is gonna be fine!

It's okay if you don't feel okay with this, we can talk some other time. But if you want to come nevertheless it'll be so pleasant because I want to tell you something important.

Bye Sungie<3'

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