Chapter 20

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The whole Great Hall was now full of students. Most of them were gossiping about the other schools.

"Goodmorning to everyone. I would like to make an announcement." Dumbledore spoke up and everyone got silent
"As I have already told you, we are in the happest place to host a Celestial Ball for the three schools Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institutes students here at Hogwarts to celebrate the 1000 years of Hogwarts. I would really appreciate it if you could bond with our guests and make them feel welcomed! May our guests come in please?"

The door opened revealing 20 beautiful ladies, dressed in blue, unique uniforms and weird hats.

"The lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic with their headmistress Madame Maxime."

The girls looked serious walking down the hall kind of dancing around, to be honest they looked outstanding, so beautiful and elegant. Plus everytime they stopped they were releasing a kind of blue magical butterflies. That was too impressive, all the students were dazed by their beauty at this point. Their show ended quickly with them bowing to the headmaster and the stuff. Jisung turned his head to check at Chan's reaction. The boy looked so proud of his little sister, he was all smiling and giggling. All the students were clapping and whistling at the ladies in front of them. Dumbledore kissed Madame Maximes hand before he left to sit with the professors and the girls sat with the Ravenclaws.

"And now our friends from the north, the proud Durmstrang Institute students and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff"

The Great Hall door opened once again revealing a bunch of boys. They seemed strong, tall and muscular. They were holding some kind of magical walking sticks. Their introduction was really impressive. They were managing to move their sticks in a way as they were holding swords and practice tricks. The sticks were leaving scorch marks every time they were stamped on the floor something was didn't seemed pleasing to some of the Hogwarts professors. For the finale their headmaster came into the hall following some fire eagles that flew over the place. Dumbledore shared a hug with Igor Karkaroff and the Durmstrang boys now were sitting with the house of Slytherin.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and most particularly, guests. I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home!" Dumbledore finished and they all started eating.

The food variety was bigger this time, they had some regulars like all kinds of meat, potatoes, pies, sandwiches, puddings and tarts. Except of those, their menu for the day was including some local dishes from France such as bouillabaisse and the girls seemed to enjoy it. The blue suited ladies were sitting near them, Jisung and Seungmin changing places with Lia in order to get closer to Rosè.

"Hey Rosè, you remember us? We met at your home! We are Chans friends!" Seungmin asked the girl. She had a confused look. But after a few seconds she seemed to remember.

"OH YEAH SORRY I DIDNT SAW YOU THERE. I didn't knew you were Ravenclaws. Um lemme introduce you to Tzuyu, Nayeon, Sana, Yeongyeon, Somi, Jisoo and Mina" Rosè said pointing at her friends individually.

'OH GOD THATS MINA-' Jisung though, he could see the resemblance she had with Minho clearly. Obsiously since they were twins but still, they both looked stunning either way, he supposed that was a family thing. He didn't know what to say to her, trying to act as normal as possible. The two boys replied with a polite 'nice to meet you' and they all continue eating and chatting. Jisung and Seungmin were now mostly chatting with Mingi and Eunwoo and not Rosè. Wendy and Lia though seemed to have started an interesting conversation with the Beauxbatons girls.

The feast ended after almost three hours later. The students started returning back to their dorms to study or sleep early. The Beauxbatons and Durmstrangs students would use the carriage and the ship they came by as sleeping quarters, so having nothing better to do they started leaving the Hall. So did the friend group of the boys.

Jisung and Seungmin went at the entrance where they met Rosè, Mina and Somi who were waiting for Rosè to greet her brother. Chan ran over to his sister and hugged her tightly asking her how is she and what she's been doing lately. Living away from her must have been hard considering how much they care about each other.

Minho and Changbin soon joined them too a minute later, waving goodbye to Yeji who continued her way to the Slytherin common room. In conclusion...Minho was there and Mina was there. Surprisingly they were too distracted that didn't seemed to notice each other's presence, till Rosè decided to introduce her friends to Chan.

"Okay so this is Mina and Somi. The others left already to sleep so you'll probably gonna see them tomorrow..."

"Nice to meet you!" Mina and Somi greeted Chan with a little bow

Minho turned his head abruptly when he heard his sister name. And he was was Mina indeed. The boy looked at her. She really grew up...yes it has been only two years since they last saw each other and yes they never talked to each other much even when Mina hadn't left the family but still. The fact his sister was there was making him feel weird. Jisung was just watching the scene playing, not knowing how to react. He was genuinely curious about the olders reaction.

"Welcome! That's Jeongin my roommate, the Ravenclaws are Jisung and Seungmin, the Hufflepuffs are Hyunjin and Felix, the one Felix is holding is Changbin and that's-" Chan introduced them with a smiley face

"Minho?" Mina interrupted Chan with a weird look on her face.

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