Chapter 12

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The portkey started moving suddenly after all got attached to it. Like it knew...
Jisung nervously squished Chans hand, making the older bring a smile to his face.

They started turning around too fast, like they were at the amusement park and eventually the boys started disconnecting from the ground, which might seem too scary but it went unexpectedly went smoothly. Now they were all floating with the portkey in the middle of them, somewhere Jisung couldn't actually describe.

The whole situation started giving Jisung an uneasy feeling on his stomach which he knew he would most likely experience. He closed his eyes trying to push that feeling away but after a few seconds he heard a voice shooting at him.

"Jisung let your hand off the clock now!"

Jisung felt like he was in a dream, hearing voices far far away so he didn't gave much attention to Chan talking.

'Where am I? I don't remember going to sleep. OH SHIT!'

He opened his eyes only to realize that the others had already left and now him and Chan were alone, holding hands.

"Jisungie we have to go now, let the portkey go!" Chan shooted and immediately after he finished his sentence Jisung unattached his hand from the clock and let both of them fall.

"Ughh..." Jisung whined opening his eyes slowly. OH THEY ARRIVED. THEY TRAVELED WITH THE PORTKEY. And as it seemed from the pain on his head and back, he didn't land smoothly to the ground. He felt like he would never get used to this.

"U need a hand Sung?" A voiced beside him asked

The blonde turned his head up to face Chan who was offering his help to the younger with a smiling face. Jisung grinned in response, holding Chans hand helping himself up.

"Yah you okay? That was a rough fall!" Changbin asked getting closer to the two, the blonde hummed back at him cracking another smile.

They soon all got gathered together. Felix was now attached into Changbins arm petting him on his head and smiling lovingly, Hyunjin was backhugging Jeongin who was resting his head to the olders shoulder and Minho was still sitting on the ground close to them, head resting on the arms on his knees, spacing out. The rest of them were either playing around or talking about random things. Jisung couldn't help but bringing his attention to the older male who was being awfully quiet, not the sarcastic, loud and flirty Minho he knew...

"Okayy guys let's go" Chan started leaving the place


They all walked up to the hill where Chans house was supposed to be. Changbin and Felix were holding hands as usual and Minho was walking behind them by himself silently.

Jisung was full of worry observing the older male... Yeah sure him and the Slytherin weren't particularly close so he wasn't sure if it would be appropriate or suitable asking him what's wrong with him, maybe something personal... But this feeling was eating him and without thinking this for a second time he approached the older.

He seemed too distracted by his thoughs he didn't even realized Jisung was next to him till he pocked him on the shoulder scaring the brunette out.

"Minho hyung.." Jisung looked at Minho who was now looking at him with widened eyes and they both stopped walking, currently facing each other.

"Aww my squirrel is here. How are u little one?" Minho smirked slightly while softly brushing Jisung cheeks with his thumb.

" is what I wanted to ask you. Are u okay?" Jisung asked looking down flustered as hell. Minho seemed to enjoy this though.

"Hm the squirrel is worried about me...should I be flustered or it'll make two of us and it'll be weird?" Minho said

"HUH? W-what do you mean hyung? And of course I'm worried about you, you seemed off all day. What happened? Are you feeling okay?"

"It's nothing sungie don't worry-"

"HYUNG DONT LIE TO ME, I THOUGH U WERE BETTER THAN THAT UGH!, U KNOW WHAT? ITS MY FAULT FOR WORRYING..." Jisung shouted at the olders face making Minho somewhat surprised because he had never heard the blonde being that aggressive

Minho was speechless. He grabbed the youngers hand and pulled him in a hug, Jisungs face on his chest. The older placed his one hand on the blondes waist and the other was gently petting his hair.

Jisungs cheeks were burning. 'That was so sudden' he though to himself. The older was playing with his hair and had his other hand at his waist. 'Oh dear God give me power'

"Thank for worrying but there's no need. I'll make sure to reach out for you if I need someone or something. You're so cute please-" Minho whispered to his ear and letted Jisung free from the hug.
Jisung was still progressing. What just happened-

"My ship is sailing!" Felix spoke up making Jisung more nervous than he already was. Changbin placed his hand on Felix's cheek making him look the other way and continued walking because he saw the death stare Minho was giving them. "HEYYY ITS TRUE THOOO" Felix added while he was being dragged by his muscular boyfriend.

After a few minutes later the boys arrived to Chans house. It was a small looking house, not too tall or wide but it looked cute. The location was beautiful and the house had a lot of flowers around. Like it had just come out of a fairytale. The oldest of the group knocked the door waiting for an answer.

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