Chapter 9

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The students started to leave the hall while talking and chatting with with friends. Jisung and his friends were all gathered at the entrance waiting for everyone to join them so they could leave together.

Jisung had important plans after leaving here though, he was going to sleep till noon and then go to the library to spend his whole day infront of a mystery or an adventure book. He hadn't decided.

"BOO" Felix scared the blonde boy from behind while he was too deep into his thoughs

"FELIXUAREGONNABETHEREASONWHYILLDIEISWEAR-" Jisung's eyes widened, breathing heavily and placing his hand on his chest. Drama overload! Maybe he spends too much time with Hyunjin.

"Aww did my Sungie got scared??" Felix questioned obviously teasing him and hugging him right after. Rubbing his head on the older's shoulder playfully.

"What are you guys going to do after here?" Chan asked them when they all finally were there

"Nothing special, going to the quidditch field trying to kill some time I guess. " Hyunjin stated

"Me too." Seungmin said directly after him, everyone looked at Seungmin, some of them were smirking *ugh Changbin* and the others looked kind of confused and surprised.

"You don't even play quidditch Seungmo!" Jisung pointed out laughing at him

"He may want to try it..." Jeongin said clearly smirking at his hyungs "We're still talking about quidditch right?"

"Come here!!" Hyunjin spoke up and started chasing him around, Jeongin was using Changbin to hide himself behind his back. But even like that Hyunjin catched him and pursued his lips in order to kiss him. Something that was annoying the younger who was trying to get away from the kisses.

"Yahhh, leave me alonee" Jeongin shouted out loud

"Nooo you're mine." Hyunjin replied to him still hugging him and not letting him go.

Jisung turned his head to watch Seungmins reaction since he was genuinely curious about what the younger was thinking about the playing scene. It would have been kind of weird to ask him, plus the possibility of Seungmin talking honestly to Jisung was most likely negligible. But the brown-haired boy surprisingly, didn't seemed like he cared much.

"Guyss stop fooling around" Felix complained as they were being too loud and the students were starring at the group with judgemental looks on their faces.

"Sooo none of you is going to visit their parents or do anything important today?" Chan asked

"No, I don't think so..." Changbin replied to him

"That's perfect, how about you all come to my place to spend the night? It'll be fun!"

"I'm in" Minho stated. He was being too quiet that day, good thing they found out he wasn't under the influence of some kind of silence spell.

"So are we" Changbin and Felix replied too.
After that Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin and Jisung agreed too.

"That's great, how about we start leaving by the evening? That way we could have dinner with my family too, well basically my mom and maybe Rosè might join us as well if she has returned home from France. They all so want to meet you guys!"

They all replied positively to the sentence and arranged the time they were going to meet and where in order to leave all together to Chans house.

Till then, Jisung had enough time to kill and since he was no longer sleepy he decided to go directly to the library.
He really liked that place, it was quiet and for some reason it made him feel secure.

He stepped into the library, the place was huge, full of books, well obviously since it's a library but still, he was amazed every time. Jisung sat behind a pile of books since he wanted to have some privacy and started reading his book.

Almost an hour later Jisung got disturbed by a voice.
"I knew you would have been here squirrel..."

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