Chapter 48

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Changbin spoke up making the balcony door open widely, welcoming them into a really mysterious room. The walls are furniture were black and it was really dark since the only light in the room were the doors they had just unlocked.

Chan looked around trying to spot Minho but the boy seemed out of sight. The two friends moved inside and started examining the place.
"HYUNG!" Changbin called making the older turn around worryingly. "There's a bed there!" He pointed out

Changbin was right, there really was a bed at the corner of the big room. And as it seemed there was someone or something lying there. The boys started walking quietly to the bed not risking waking the person up before they could even identify them and act appropriately. As they got closer they saw some bangs sneaking out the fabric. 'Please be him'

"MINHO FUCK!" Chan sighed 1the second he got close enough to recognize the face of the person sleeping there. The two boys rushed to the bed, gently shaking Minho's shoulder. The action made the sleeping boy open his eyes slowly and blink in disbelief trying to understand whether he's dreaming or not.

"I have so many questions but-"

Minho got interrupted by a Gryffindor boy hugging him tightly close to his chest. The boy chuckled and hugged the older back placing his head into the other's shoulder, not long after Changbin joined them as well. Staying in a few seconds in each other's embrace felt good. You could even hear some soft sobs filling the room.

The older Slytherin boy pulled off the hug first, taking a moment to think about the situation they're in.

"How's Jisung?" He asked worryingly

Chan grinned "Well..." He made a pause "I think the fact he was left all alone when you got kidnapped had an impact in his mentality..."

Minho's tone got even more worried "Is he okay?"

"He's fine little one don't worry" Chan reassured him patting him on the shoulder gently "He's a little shaken up but if everything went smoothly he's back at Hogwarts now we're talking, they're gonna take a good care of him, Felix, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Jeongin...Believe me you don't have to worry about him. WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF!"

"No..." Minho broke the eye contact, suddenly looking down, letting some tears fall to his cheeks

"MINHO!" Changbin held the older's hands as he realized he was tearing up "Hey what is it?" His voice softened

"D-death eaters are on their way to-" He made a pause as he couldn't stop sobbing "Hogwarts..."

Chan expression got serious at the hearing of the news "We have to go!" He spoke up "And it has to be now!" The two others nodded in agreement.

Quickly they all ran to the window and with a teleportation spell managed to reach the ground. They were being really careful so they wouldn't make any noise. Quietly walking to the place were the boys had hidden the broomsticks they came to the island with.

"Minho's coming with me, you are guiding us. Okay?" Changbin asked and the older agreed, they found their broomsticks which they've hidden behind a tree and got up.

"Let's go"

Chan went first. Trying not to fly too high but nearby the sea devastating like that the possibility of being seen and getting caught. Changbin with Minho following who was holding into the youngers waist tightly, his eyes closed as he was trying to focus on something else, stay calm and forget about his acrophobia.

But something was weird. Changbin suddenly felt something wasn't right. More specifically he felt something was coming for them and decided to turn his head around to take a look on the castle. And unfortunately confirmed this thought of his...

"HYUNG THEY SAW US!" Changbin shouted out loud

Chan's heart started beating quickly "DON'T STOP! WHATEVER HAPPENS. DO. NOT. STOP." It was difficult to stay calm under this kind of situation, try to give a solution, look at the positive side and do not lose hope, more difficult to not transmit this feeling to his youngers because he was supposed to be the one to guide them, the leader. He felt suffocating but he knew that wasn't the place and the time for any kind of panic attacks so he tried to fight this emotions that were eating him inside, leaving him with a sick feeling in his stomach.

Changbin heard a weird noise from far away but the sound was getting louder every passing second...'A SPELL. THEY CASTED A SPELL ON US!' He turned around one more time...and saw...a green ball of light coming right towards their broomstick. So many thoughts were going through his head, act smart, act fast, save Minho! He needed to save Minho! At this point, his priority was Minho...

Without a second thought he stopped the broomstick and disconnected Minho's arms from his waist. Pushing him off the broomstick to the sea. A loud splash made Chan stop the broomstick to see what happened. The image he saw...will always hunt him.

Those seconds felt like an eternity for a reason, like the world was suddently putted in slow motion. Minho had fallen to the sea leaving so much sea foam behind. Changbin making a move to save himself as well as he could faintly see a ball of light was coming for him on the horizon...


He wasn't fast enough...

"FUCK NO! FUCK NO! NONONONONO!" Chan felt a tear falling as he saw Changbin falling unconscious to the water. Without any hesitation he jumped in as well holding his breath...and tears...That day he swam faster than he have ever done before. Confused and terrified as he pushed the water behind him...

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