Chapter 10

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After almost an hour Jisung got disturbed by a voice.
"I knew you would have been here squirrel..."

Jisung jumped up dramatically

"HYUNG WHY U HAVE TO SCARE ME UP EVERYTIME!" Jisung started yelling not thinking about the students that were there trying to study. He got some hard looks on him tho, he nodded sympathetically mouthing 'I'm sorry' to the people who were starring at him angrily as he had disturbed them.

"Shh squirrel you're in a library" Minho said to him bringing his pointer infront of his lips slightly teasing him and made his way to sit down beside him.

"I know but you nearly killed me..." Jisung said pouting. The older had done that a multiple times but for some reason the Ravenclaw couldn't be mad at him. He looked at his hyung who had already closed his eyes leaning to the shelf behind him, he was looking kind of... down but thinking about it he looked like this all day. Even before when they were all together at the Great Hall, he didn't seem in the mood to talk a lot and Jisung truly respected that but he couldn't not get worried. He might not have known Minho for a long time but he felt like he had a special connection with him. His existence had an impact on him... He realized that those feelings wasn't giving him the right ask him for his personal problems and life.  But...he couldn't help it...

"Minho-hyung are you okay? U look kind of moody and pale." Jisung asked the older, not knowing if he's gonna reply something as he seemed fast asleep by then.

"I'm fine squirrel." Minho answered still having his eyes closed but reassuring him with a faint smile.

Jisung obviously wasn't convinced but he didn't wanted to push the older any further and ask him something more as he was scared that Minho might get uncomfortable if he did so. He just let it pass and looked at his book.

"Aww is squirrel worried about me?" The brunette noted teasing the younger as he looked too serious

"Shouldn't I?" Jisung answered. He turn his head to look at his hyung who immediately locked eyes with him, not wanting to break the eye contact. The whole action was making Jisung flustered as hell, he spoke up again to break the silence between them.
"Sleep hyung, we have plenty of time till we have to go..." He suggested, breaking the eye contact as well.

"Sounds like a good idea." The older gasped while closing his eyes trying to get comfortable, something that was more than difficult since he was literally sitting on the hard floor of a library.

After some time he somehow managed to fell asleep. He still looked kind of uncomfortable and his eyebrows were wrinkled. Jisung stopped reading for a moment and methodically lead Minhos head to his shoulder to rest properly. It still wasn't that soft but he supposed it was more comfortable than a shelf.

The time had past expeditiously and the boys were still in the library. Minho hadn't moved an inch since Jisung put his head on his shoulder, sleeping deeply. It was time for the boys to leave in contemplation of meeting Chan and the others. He was sleeping so peacefully he didn't wanted to wake him up at all, he looked so cute, like a baby. He knew that it wasn't polite to make the others wait for them so he started poking slightly the older's cheek in order to wake him up.

"Hyung...hyung wake up...hyung" Jisung said with an incredibly solf voice. He even surprised himself.

Minho started opening his eyes responding to the blonde's words with a faint 'hm'. The Slytherin looked adorable half sleeping, he was even slightly pouting. Jisung couldn't hold his smile but little did he cared.

"Come on he have to leave!" Jisung announced grabbing the olders hand in order to help him up. Minho got up but Jisung was still holding him leading him to the Great Hall where they were supposed to meet with the others.

The Ravenclaw could notice some students glancing at them with a weird look on their faces. Jisung couldn't understand why, not even paying attention to the fact that they were still holding hands.

When they reached their destination they saw their friends were all gathered there. Most probably waiting for them.

"Well well well since when you two are a thing?" Changbin voiced while smirking to the two boys.

"What do you mean?" Jisung questioned titling his head. There were a few hot seconds till he realized...

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