Chapter 54

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"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jisung swear. He had left the room of requirement by himself in order to find Felix. He was currently one corner away from the hospital wing but surprisingly, death eaters were going back and forth outside the Great Hall who was next to the room he was trying to reach.

Out of nowhere totally focusing on when the Death Eaters are going to go inside so the hall would be all clear he felt someone walking behind him. His heart started racing, sensing the footsteps coming closer and closer...

"Squirrel..." The person voiced

Jisung held his breath so he won't scream and turned around finding his nerves calmed down in a small amount of time when he found out that the person following him was noone but his boyfriend.

Minho grinned a little at the cuteness of the younger "I'm sorry baby..."

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous!" Jisung murmured

"Exactly Sungie. You really thought I would ever leave you going somewhere that is dangerous alone?!" Minho held the blondes hands, making the younger look at his eyes.
Everytime the Ravenclaw was looking at them he felt dizzy, getting lost on those deep, dark eyes, thinking that no person could ever be as beautiful as him.

Jisung cracked a smile listening at the older. It felt nice... Knowing that he'll always have someone who would got his back at times like this. Knowing he will never have to be alone again no matter what. He felt like it was them against the cruel world. "Thank you so much!"

"Always!" pecking the younger on the lips softly.

The action made Jisung blush, his heart started racing again for an entirely different reason than before and his cheeks had gotten all red "OH!" Jisung said looking at the older with widened eyes

Minho smiled even wider when he saw the expression his boyfriend had worn. It was the same one he had everytime Minho dared to kiss him but for a reason, that exact face never stopped entertaining him. He was too cute, all flustered and reddish. "Let's go Sung!" He held the youngers hand leading him to the hall

Jisung was completely flying high in the clouds recalling about that unexpected action of Minho, too lost into his thoughts that didn't completely realized that the brunette didn't knew the fact Death Eaters were all gathered at the Great Hall.

"MINHO!" A Death Eater coming out of the Great Hall shaked Jisung up to the reality.

"RUN!" He squished the youngers hand motivating him to follow him "Petrificus Totalus!"

Petrificus Totalus is a spell that freezes the body of the victim, making it incapable of moving, except for the eyes and breathing. Jisung had seen it books with other honorifics such as Body-Bind Curse or the Full Body-Bind.

'Good move!' The two boys had won a lot of time thanks to this spell. Enough to reach the Hospital Wing if they moved fast enough.

That time was the fastest Jisung had ever ran in his life, scared for his life and well-being. But being honest...he didn't cared much about himself. More scared for the boy he was holding tightly. Without him he would have been empty. Just the thought of it made him feel miserable. Yes, he knew that all of is friends were great and he was thankful for having them in his life but Minho was his soulmate. The only person he had ever felt a connection that deep with. But at the end losing one of his favourite people would hurt no matter who it was.

The couple soon reached the door of the Hospital Wing. They opened the door and entered the room in fast movements. Closing the door behind them Minho quickly casted Colloportus.

Colloportus is a charm that is used to seal or lock doors so that they cannot be opened manually. Which in their case was another useful spell.

'Damn this boy really is a talented wizard, Dumbledore was right indeed!' Jisung recalled the meeting in his office

The boys were completely out of breath so they standed by the door for a few seconds with their hands on their knees trying to replace the oxygen they haven't gotten while running.

But after those few seconds they recalled the reason they were really there, shaking themselves back to reality 'TAKING FELIX AND CHANGBIN!'

"JISUNG? MINHO??" They heard a familiar boy speaking, standing in the mid-way of the wing.

Jisung raised his head, of course knowing who it was, he have been hearing this voice since he was thirteen every day and all day. "FELIX!" The latter rushed into the boy's arms "Don't ever scare me like that again..." He tightened his arms around the others waist.

"I'm sorry..." Felix said running his fingers into the blondes hair  "Why are you here Sung?"

Jisung pulled back to look at the younger property "What do you mean? We couldn't leave you behind!" He voiced harshly.

Lee. Felix. The boy had been through a lot in his life, he wasn't scared of anything anymore, neither life nor death. But regardless of the situation he never failed wearing a smile on his face, even most if of the times it was fake. Jisung was always thinking that he is the most generous and selfless person that ever existed.

Seo. Changbin. Since young age he have learned how to stay strong in difficult situations. Hiding his emotions as well. Pretending he's strong and tough. Believing that nothing in this world is pointless and everything has an explanation and a reason. Even self-sacrifice wasn't scaring him. That's how he ended up like this. In a coma, risking his well-being to ensure Minho's...

"WE HAVE TO GO NOW! They're trying to break the door! You go first I'm taking Changbin" Minho screamed out loud

Jisung nodded in agreement, reaching his hand to hold Felix's. When he managed that, he made a move to leave the place they were standing. But unsuccessfully...

Felix continued standing on the same place, his eyes looking on the light gray stone floor. Jisungs eyes widened worryingly when he realized that the boy was softly sniffling.

'Is he crying?' "Lix? U okay?" He asked getting closer.

The Hufflepuff raised his head to face the older. Shoking him slightly the moment he noticed that tears had filled his friend's eyes, seeing him cry for an unknown reason was making him even more worried.

"I'm not going anywhere!"

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