Chapter 44

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"I love you way more than you could ever imagine Kim Seungmin!" He smiled dreamily to his boy

"Changbin-hyung pass me the popcorn" Jeongin joked

Felix looked at the younger with annoyance "Shh you're ruining theirr momenttt"

"Oh I'm sorry hyung, continue kissing, go on" He looked at then patiently, for him it was like watching a drama show or something.


"Whaaatt Felix-hyunnggg?!" Jeongin whined back

"Ts" Seungmin rolled his eyes "Just be careful please!" He looked back at the older who gave him a reassuring smile which calmed him down a bit.

Hyunjin couldn't just stare at this whipped cutie without doing something and ultimately didn't held back and abruptly pecked the younger making him even more blushed than he already was "I'm always careful"

Now that their little love scene was over Chan took the opportunity and asked how they were going to pass the protective shield. And he was right, the protective shield was made so anyone could sneak in and certainly not out either.

"Easily" Seungmin spoke up, getting everyone's attention right on him. The boys and girls looked at him puzzled since they thought it was pretty obvious they couldn't do that in an easy way. They were even questioning if they could do this in ANY way.

"What do you mean Seungmo?" Chan asked the apparent

"Well it's pretty clear." The boy made a pause "The protective shield is not really protective yet. How do you explain the fact Tawny could literally fly in here?!"

Fuck he was a real genius, if the protective shield was actually real it couldn't have letted Tawny come in, getting Jisung's scarf on her way back.

"Plus Dumbledore is not even here, he went to talk with the minister that was supposed to guarantee our safety. Dumbledore has the elder wand. The most powerful wand in the history of magic that can cast spells more powerful than any believed to be magically possible. Without him, for this 'protective shield' to work all the teachers and students must have had been gathered with their wands at the training grounds trying to collect enough magical energy to support such a big castle. So it's an-"

"ILLUSION!" Jeongin shouted out loud interrupting Seungmin

The boy sighed at the younger "Yes but DON'T STEAL MY THUNDER LITTLE ONEEE." He protested

"An illusion makes too much sense!" Yeji murmured

"Exactly. That way we are not waisting magical energy that we might need a lot in case of an attack!" Ryujin agreed with her girlfriend

"Plus they might be spying on us, waiting for a moment we'll show weakness in order to bring us down at once!" Felix added

Th rest of them were looking with wide eyes, impressed by everyone's intelligence "You all are way too good on this!" Mina pointed out

"Okay now we have to go check if Seungmin's theory is actually correct." Changbin said making a move first to stand up from his place, the others got the signal and decided to follow his lead

They thought it'll be better if the others just stayed in the tower without going with the four boys at the training grounds reducing the chance of getting caught. So they would have to get separated there. Chan hugged his friends and his sister who wished him a safe arrival back in Hogwarts. Now the only difficult part left was to sever the happy couple which was currently holding hands.

"Just don't get killed like the idiot you are, this is all I want!" Seungmin stated

Hyunjin frowned "Very encouraging Kim Seungmin, very encouraging!"

"Sorry..." Seungmin made a pause "Get back fast."

The older Hufflepuff hummed in response and gave the younger a small kiss on the tip his nose, making his face red for the hundredth time this day. "I promise!"

"Minniee!!" Felix was the one this time who interrupted their sweet moment "Take care of my baby while I'm gone, IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO HIM I'LL KILL YOU!" He pointed to Jeongin in his arms

"Yes sir! Only if you take care of this dumbie right here!" Hyunjin dramatically stepped back in disbelief



The four boys passed the crowded Hogwarts corridors with fast pacing, too nervous thinking whether they were going to get caught or not. The students were in such a rush, and a huge chaos was situated in the halls of the school. But that's was their advantage since that way nobody was paying attention on them and they could easily slip in the crowd unnoticeable.

And then they finally reached the training grounds, looking around to make sure nobody was spying on them. The moment of the truth had finally came.

Chan stepped forward to the protective shield and raised his hand which was slowly moving in order to reach the shield and see for themselves if it can pass through it or not. Yes the theory of the protective shield being just an illusion was making sense but they had on the back of their minds that this might not work. Their thoughts were interrupted when they looked again at Chan and realized that his hand had successfully passed through the shield. They got excited and gathered on a group hug before leaving the place using Chan's portkey.

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