Chapter 39

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Jisung did as he was told. He sat on the chair and waited for Dumbledore to explain him the reason why he was there. At this point he was scared of the worst, he didn't knew exactly why he was there and what kind of concequenses he'll have to face leaving this office.

"We never actually met before in person, haven't we?"

The young boy shook his head nervously "No sir."

"Hm...such a shame though, you seem interesting to have a talk." He made a pause sitting up going to a kind of tea corner the room had and started preparing something "But if I want to be honest I've heard about you numerous times from a popular source named Yang Jeongin, the one and only. There's no way he haven't told you I'm kind of his grandfather, well I've been his mother's father since my brother decided to disappear thirty years ago..."

"Yeah he might have mentioned something..."

Dumbledore chuckled "Might? Han Jisung we both know him very well there's no reason to cover up for him..." After saying this he seemed to had finish whatever he was doing at the tea corner. He carefully lifted a cap and placed it infront of Jisung. 'It's hot chocolate'

"Hagrid told me you looked kind of moody today and I really wonder why if you ask me..."

Jisung freezed on spot at the hearing of this... 'He knows- Ugh those stupid ghosts are meddling in everything, congrats Han Jisung you're going to be grounded for the left of your life. Pathetic!' the boy thought, trying miserably to find some words to explain himself to the older but deep down knowing that no matter how smart his explanation was going to be it wouldn't be enough to foul Dumbledore

"Sir I-" He nervously spoke up

"Don't try Mr. Han." Dumbledore interrupted him standing up for once more and went close to the window facing the starry night beyond his window *A/N: Stan mamamoo* "We both know it doesn't need any explanation and that's not exactly the reason why I wanted to see you..."

'What then?'

"You're here because of your so-called boyfriend if I am being correct."

'Minho? What Minho has to do with anything?' "I guess you're talking about Minho sir?" Jisung questioned rather confused.

"Yes Lee Minho. I like this boy a lot, he's a talented wizard and really has a great future in the ministry of magic if he's smart to handle his situation well."

'H-HIS SITUATION?!' Jisung was sure enough that his look right now was more of shocked and of course Dumbledore noticed that.

"Oh Jisung...I know much more than you could think about. I'm talking about his brother, he was one of the greatest wizards I've ever seen in my whole life and was indeed one of my closest and most favourite students...Kento was a bright boy without any doubt, something I had never seen till then, I believed that with his mind and power he could do everything possible in this world. But Kento didn't handled the situation he was in well and eventually obeyed to his parents will to serve the Dark Lord and become one of his followers faster than an eye blink. I know Minho must be having a pretty rough time since he's graduating soon and has all of this over his head...I've seen this play before. I really wish I could help him in some way but the choice is his in the end to make."

'That's so complex' "Minho is nothing like his brother! He's so sweet and kindhearted and lovely. He wouldn't do anything bad, he can't even hurt a fly. But I don't understand why you wanted to see me for professor?" Jisung genuinely asked feeling this whole conversation was a bit too random.

"I hope you're right! So the reason you're here is because I want to ask you a favor... The only thing you'll have to do it make sure he'll be alright. Be there for him. I don't want another sibling to end up following this path, not after Kento..."

'He must have been really close to Minhos brother to be worried that much' Jisung smiled to the elder sympathetically "I promise I will"

'Another promise...'

"And please Han Jisung don't sneak out with him again. It's way too dangerous and not to mention it but you saw that with your own eyes. Rules are made to protect you and you have to follow them if you don't want to get yourself killed in such a stupid way or face the consequences your thoughtless actions will most definitely have. I'm going to act out of generosity and let this one pass, not removing any points from neither Ravenclaw nor Slytherin but let me be clear. If anything reliable to the yesterday's incident happen again things won't be pretty for both of you." Dumbledore warned the young boy

"Yes sir..."

"Happy to hear that. You may go now"

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