Chapter 40

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There's been a few days since Dumbledore called Jisung to his office and today was supposed to be the day when Minho and him were going to fly to London to meet Jisungs parents.

"Jaaagggiiyyaaaa" Jisung runned to the older, embracing him into a hug

"Well well someone is excited" Minho pulled off caressing his head, not breaking eye contact

"OBSIOUSLY I AM!" He said before burying his face into the older chest for once again making them both chuckle

"Sungieee" Jeongin, Seungmin and Felix came close to the couple "we wanted to say byee"

Jisung rolled his eyes "Guys chill tomorrow the latest I'll be back...we will see each other in a few hours-"

The Ravenclaw boy got interrupted by his friends pulling him into a group hug "love you Sung"

"I love you too you dumbasses so much" Jisung hugged them even tighter "Wow this is getting dramatic."

"OH AND MINHO" Felix suddenly said "Be polite to ur in-laws! Hahahah"

"You-"Jisung reddened, giving the death stare to Felix a second later


The flight to London was kind of exhausting. The main cause was the fact that Jisung had to deal with a grumpy Minho with acrophobia and reassure him every two minutes that they're not falling to death.

"Yaaahhh, let me go we're hereee"

Minho held on Jisung tighter "If you're lying Han Jisung I swear to God-"

Jisung rolled him eyes "I have no benefit from doing that hyung, why would I do something it won't help me in anything huh?"

"I trust you" Minho said before opening his eyes and signing to the fact the younger was right and they were a few inches above the ground.

"Awww you're so cute. You won't fall I got you..." Jisung tried to help the older get off the vehicle but the result was both of them falling in the ground laughing "Yahhh you big baby"


They both headed to Jisung's house. He was living a bit outside of London so it wasn't really crowded. Good for them though because they were literally carrying a broomstick around and people in the streets of London would think they're crazy of something. Thankfully they didn't land far away from Jisung's neighborhood so they walked only for a few minutes, while walking they were talking about random topics making each other laugh. 'This is nice'

Finally after almost 15 minutes or so, they reached Jisung's house. It was a light blue house with black roof tiles and white details. It had a small garden with a red swing that seemed like it was built many years ago and a little further you could see some growing fruits and vegetables.

Minho felt kind of nervous that he had to meet Jisung's parents if we wanted to be honest.

"Bro...we're not getting married chill" Jisung spoke out of nowhere. Minho gave him a speechless, shocked look "Why are you looking at me like that? Are we getting married and I don't know it?"

" just brozoned me Sung I don't know how to feel..." Minho said and dramatically fell

"Ugh my big baby is nervous" Jisung caressed Minhos cheek with his thumb and the older pushed him away playfully like a cat. 'Adorable'

Jisung stepped in the front and without hesitation rang the bell which sounded faintly from inside. They heard footsteps coming closer to them and got prepared, waiting for the door to open. A nice lady opened the door, she had her hair tied up and was wearing a blue floral dress decorated with little red flowers.

"JISUNGIE BABY?!" The woman rushed into Jisung hugging him tightly

"Mummm" the Ravenclaw boy grumbled "I can't breathh"

Minho just waited there to get noticed in such an akward position

"And who's your friend?"The woman spoke up looking at Minho suspiciously

"Um...I'm Minho. Nice to meet you Mrs. Han!"

"Hmm...congrats Jisung he really is a hottie" She smirked

"MOOMMMM" Jisung shouted out loud

"Hahahah I'm kidding let's go inside kids"

The two boys got into the house, it was a small house with big windows so it was really bright and shiny.

"Minho honey, do you want something? Coffee? Juice? I made some cherry pie this morning do you want some? OH OF COURSE YOU DO IT'S DELICIOUS. I'm going to prepare your drinks boys. I'll be back soon" Jisungs mum said before making her way to the kicken

"I'm sorry about that..." Jisung made a pause "i-"

"Why are you apologizing squirrel? You did nothing wrong." Minho smiled warmly

"Do you want to sit down?" The younger boy pointed to the couch close to them so they both made their way there.

The Slytherin boy couldn't deny it was kind of akward meeting his boyfriends parents but his mum seemed a really fun woman

The house had a cozy and warm atmosphere that made him feel like home, even if he had never experienced this feeling, this must be what it feels like to others.

"Here's they are" Mrs Han interrupted Minhos thoughts as she was placing the sweets and the coffees in the table. The order nodded a thank you and bended closer to add sugar and milk in his coffee.

"Soo tell me Sungie, how are you doing there? Are you eating well? How's Lixie doing? Seungmin? Innie?" She bombarded her son with questions

"Haha. I've been having a good time I guess. The food is nice and Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin are the same as always, loud and caring and really but really annoying"

Mrs. Han chuckled "I'm happy they're taking a good care of you, I'm so thankful to those children... What about you? Minho isn't it?"

Minho was caught off guard. "Oh yes ma'am"

"Can you just call me mother? My son's friends are my children as well, calm yourself down. I don't bite hahaha" the lady smiled to Minho

'This is nice...' "Yes mother."

"So you know my son's friends? Tell me a little bit about yourself. As a mother I'm curious whether my son is in good hands or not."


"Did I said something wrong Jisungie?!" She genuinely asked

Minho on the other hand was highly amused watching them like this, a mother-son relationship he could never have...


I'm so sorry for not posting for a while, I just now finished my exams. Have a great summer everyone:))

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