Chapter 19

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The sun has risen for one more day at Hogwarts. The dorm of Seungmin, Jisung, Mingi and Namjoon at Ravenclaw was quiet. Jisung guessed that they weren't awake yet so he didn't bothered to open his eyes either.

"SUNG WAKE UPPPP!!!" A voice shouted loudly and almost gave Jisung a heart attack. "Dumbledore wants at the Great Hall RIGHT NOW!"

"Five more minutes...Dumbledore can wait..." Jisung sleepily mumbled

'Ugh this boy..' Seungmin thought. "No I said RIGHT NOW, we can't be late again. Mingi and Namjoon left already. DRESS UP BY YOURSELF OR I WILL!" Seungmin threw Jisung his clothes. The action made him react with a 'ya' and a annoyed yet sleepy face.

Forced by his younger he got ready in three minutes. Something impressive if you think about the fact, he usually can't get ready in less than half an hour.

They went down the stairs to the Entrance Hall. There they saw Felix, Changbin, Minho and Hyunjin waiting by the door looking around like they were waiting for something.

"OH SUNGIEEEE!" Felix run over to Jisung and hugged him tightly. After that he linked arms with Seungmin and walked together to the others.

"Hey hey hey, go to your boy Felix!" Hyunjin separated the two and softly pushing Felix away from Seungmin. Holding the Ravenclaw boy's wrist while doing so, pulling him closer.

The boys decided to not react to it and let it pass just like this. Jisung didn't even saw what happened *otherwise he would have teased the two boys* as he was being too busy examining Minhos outstanding facial features wondering when are they going to finally interact with each other because since he got there they hadn't communicated at all. Something that was making Jisung restless.

"Anygays, where Chan-hyung and Innie are?" Jisung finally asked

"Chan wanted to find Dumbledore and Jeongin went with him to help." Minho answered to him

"Oh I see...thank you"

"Hm? Oh welcome I guess?" Minho was confused. It was kind of akward to talk to each other casually like this. Most of the times, when they interact, the moment is always special and they know exactly what to say. They're not nervous, their heart is not racing just by being next to each other. 'What's happening...'

"GUYYSSS you're not gonna believe it." Chan started shouting running towards the group who was looking at him with questionable eyes. It's forbidden to run in Hogwarts and he knew that, he always wanted to be a role model to younger students because he's a prefect and McGonagall was trusting him but he physically couldn't hold his excitement in. After Chan you could see Jeongin following

"Hey hey whats happening?" Hyunjin asked the older who looked way too happy.

"Beauxbatons and Durmstrangs are coming here now! Like RIGHT NOW. ROSÈ IS COMING TO HOGWARTS!"

"Plus no school for today, YEY" Jeongin completed. Looking happier about the fact they had no school this day than the guests arrival.

They all were pretty excited, they started laughing around wondering when they will exactly come. Minho seemed pretty weird, he had mixed feelings about this... and Jisung knew the reason why.

If Beauxbatons were coming that meant...Mina...his twin sister he hadn't seen in two years was about to come as well... he didn't know if he was ready to do this...and face her after the last time they saw each other. They were at home all together except Sunghoon. It didn't went well, not gonna lie...Mina was shouting and arguing with their parents. That's when she decided to never associate with this family again, that didn't excluded Minho.

Jisung didn't hesitate for once and held Minhos hand discreetly so the others wouldn't see and start the questions. Minho flinched by the sudden act and his eyes bugged surprisingly. He didn't thought a lot of it though and held the youngers hand tightly in response. He turned around to face the Ravenclaw boy and he did the same. Jisung gave him a small smile before caressing Minhos hand with his thumb, making the older let out a chuckle.

"THEY'RE HEREEE!!!" A student shouted.

Students started to run near the windows to watch their arrival by themselves. Their friend group followed their example as well. It was the first time they would see students from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute. Minho sighed.

"We can stay here if you don't want to-"

"No it's fine..." Minho interrupted him

Jisung didn't seem convinced though... like at all. Minho letted out a forced smile to reassure the younger before they walked closer to see what was happening.

Beauxbatons was the first school to arrive, in a carriage pulled by a dozen Abraxans. They glanced at the young ladies coming out of the carriage and going inside the castle where they supposed Dumbledore was about to greet them. The Hogwarts students were all amazed and shouting for the girls unusual beauty.

After only a few minutes Durmstrang arrived too. They traveled via ship on the Black Lake. The ship came out of the water like it was sinking and then in no time it was in the surface of the water. 'Wow' many students gasped.

"Jeez they're so built up! Beautiful. " Felix commented.

"How can you say that?! You just saw the a dozen of outstanding ladies passing! Like that was BEAUTIFUL" Ryujin argued back

"Yeji and Changbin and literally right here..." Hyunjin pointed out

"Hey sorry I'm saying the truth!" Ryujin replied straightforwardly to the quidditch player

"Yeah right..." The younger Hufflepuff boy mumbled

Now the other schools students had moved inside the castle so they couldn't see them. They had already learned that they were about to have a feast at the Great Hall all together so Hogwarts students were already starting to gather to the Great Hall. Minho and Jisung followed them too, separating their hands. Every student went to sit to their houses table so Jisung left together with Seungmin, Felix with Hyunjin, Chan and Jeongin with Ryujin and Changbin and Minho with Yeji.

And he feast was about to start...

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