Chapter 29

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"Do you want to dance with me?" Minho asked him offering his hand to the younger and cracking up a kind of a fake smile. He was being weird but Jisung couldn't say was Minho after all.
He hummed in agreement and held Minhos hand.

They moved closer to the dance floor, holding hands. Minho placed his hand on Jisung's waist which made his heart skip a bit. The Slytherin was guiding him completely, dancing in perfect timing along with the music. "Sorry I interrupter you and your girlfriend-"

"Why didn't you talked to me all of those days?" Jisung interrupted him, his eyes were strong and his expression seemed demanding, he was waiting for an answer

"Sorry I was kind of busy doing some stuff with my sister..." Minho apologized "Are you mad at me Hannie?"

"No..." How could be mad at the older? He could never. And the Hannie was everytime making him melt. "I missed you tho..." 'DID I JUST SAID THIS OUT LOUD? IS THERE ANY POSSIBILITY HE DIDN'T HEARD THIS?'

Minho cracked a smile "I missed you too squirrel!"
They looked at each other with smiley faces, there had been a lot of time since they last saw each other.

Minho pulled the younger closer, Jisung didn't reacted at all, he felt safe and secure just by being by his side. But it looks like that wasn't enough ti him, Minho placed both of his arms around the youngers waist hugging him exceptionally tightly, Jisung had nowhere to put his arms who were hanging awkwardly on his sides, so he placed his arms around the older's neck, bringing their faces even closer, in fact they were so close that they could feel each other's breath on their lips. Everything was perfect till...

"MINHO! HEY! COME HERE BUD!" A voice shouted at loud making the boys flinch, and half of the students turned around wondering. They saw three Slytherins and two Gryffindors approaching them.

"Hey Jungkook...I'm kind of-" Minho greeted before one of the boys speaking up interrupting him. "Come on you can do stuff with your little boyfriend later! We need you with us right now!" The boy named Jungkook begged

"Sorry I can't right n-"

"Han Jisung is going to be finee, come on man don't ruin this!"

'They know my name?'

"Ugh...fine but it'll be quick!" Minho agreed and let Jisung's waist free. He faced the younger who had a sad look drawn all over his face. "I'll be quick Hannie" He caressed the youngers cheek before leaving with the boys.


"JISUNGGGGG!!! What the heck happened up there? It was like a romantic drama scene!!!" Felix shouted a little bit too enthusiastic

"HE'S RIGHT! WHAT WAS THAT SUNG? Are you two official?" Seungmin added

Jisung blushed " was nothing we just danced that's all..."

"OH BOY HE DIDNT- Make my job easier Sung and tell us! Did he said something?"

" he did said something, I said I missed him and he said he missed me as well. He had stuff to do with his sister those days so that's why we barely saw each other. But right now he was sweet and nice, he held me by my waist and caressed my cheek. He also said he was going to be back soon cause a boy named Jungkook wanted him for some reason..."

"HUH? Jungkook and Minho? Since when are those two friends or something?" Changbin said out of the blue.

"They seemed to be pretty close I don't know..." Jisung replied

" kind of makes sense because we share the same dorm with Jungkook and Taehyung but to be one hundred percent honest they're not the best people to be around with! I just hope he won't get involved to any trouble..." Changbin stated

"He's right!" A voiced suddenly spoke up

Jisung got scared and hid himself behind Seungmin. 'A ghost?'

"OH I'M SORRY. I didn't intended to scare you up little boy..." A female ghost spoke up. It was his first time actually talking to a ghost in his whole life. She was a middle aged lady, kind of chubby, her hair was tied up with an expensive looking ribbon and and she was wearing a beautiful long dress, it looked like she was loyalty from those old fairytales.

"It's my fault! Sorry if I became rude in any way..." Jisung bowed apologetically

"It's okay Jisung don't be!"

"You- know me?" Jisung questioned

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