Chapter 55

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"I'm not going anywhere!" Felix stated

Jisung felt his eyes tearing up as well. Not because he didn't understood completely what the other was saying, but because he knew exactly what he meant, and that hurted. "W-what do you mean?" He stuttered

Felix crached a smile behind those tears and looked at his friends eyes deeply. Placing his palm to his shoulder. "I'm not risking it..."

'He's not saying what I think he's saying!' There was no way Jisung could leave Felix there to die and just leave. No way. There was obsiously NO WAY.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" Jisung take a step away, tears started falling

Felix sighed "Jisung...listen to me-"

"NO YOU LISTEN TO ME!" The Ravenclaw interrupted the younger rapidly, speaking up loudly "I GOT THERE TO GET YOU! I WONT LEAVE WITHOUT YOU! FORGET IT!" He broke down and fell to the hard floor

"I'm sorry Sungie...I can't..." Felix sobbed, using his fingers to wipe off the hot tears that were uncontrollably falling to his cheeks "I'm sorry I can't stay with you forever..." He kneeled down to the others height.

"You can and you will!" The blonde mumbled "WE'RE GONNA MAKE IT! I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT! JUST PLEASE!"

The young boy had hope they could make it. Even if it seemed impossible. He was a muggle-born and a rebellion, he seemed like the perfect target. It was most likely they would death curse him the moment he stepped his foot out of the wing but he didn't cared at this point. Felix was his sunshine, his life would have been boring without him. He's one of the people the adored the most, he was treasuring the most.

All of those memories were moving past his eyes like a fast train...the amusement park...the lunch times when they joked around about meaningless topics. Sneaking around the castle, going trips to wherever. Making precious memories thay would follow them forever.

And just like that years we're passing. Not thinking about tomorrow, just living the moment. Enjoying each other's company. Relying on each other with blind trust. Thinking they'll always be together and live a happily ever after.

And now here they a half-dark room, kneeling down to a cold floor, both crying. The sunshine, kind and happy Felix was crying...

"It's the only way..." Felix sighed


This time Felix was the one who interrupted him "Yes it is. It's too easy for them to kill you don't you understand?" That was incorrect, Jisung was understanding, really well, he was just in denial
"Just by saying two fuckin words they can bring us down. Especially Minho carrying Changbin. There's no way he'll succeed into bringing all of us to the room of requirement. We're three and they're more than a hundred..."

Jisung was starring at his fists down to the floor blankly. There was no way this was happening...

"They're soon going to get in, destroying the place, the ceiling is going to fall but it's dust will to allow you hide. That's your chance to leave." He explained

"And what about you and Changbin?!" Jisung said sniveling. The answer was obvious but he would never allow this. Felix looked at him, silently, his eyes were telling what his mouth couldn't...

"Thank you for everything Sungie!"

The Ravenclaw's eyes started tearing up harder "NO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS!" This can't be happening "We're not saying our goodbyes Felix! WE ARE NOT DOING THIS!"

"It has to be done. We don't have much time Jisung!" Felix brushed the others bangs away from his face "I love you so much and I'll forever thank you for everything. Those years I've knew you were the happiest years of my life. Please don't forget me too soon, okay? You promise?"

He didn't knew what to answer, his heart was crying more than his eyes. What he felt at that moment couldn't be described further.

"Please convey to Seungmin, Jeongin, Chan and Hyunjin my goodbyes and tell them to not be sad. The same goes for you my Jisungie. Take care of Innie my baby...and Seungmin. He might look tough but he's really sensitive... I'm kind of disappointed I won't be there seeing you all move on with your lives. Getting a job, getting married, following your individual unique paths. Living everything to the fullest and take advantage of all sweet things life has to give... My life offered me all of you! And Changbin... I have no regrets. So please don't make this harder than it already is and make me a last favor. Okay?"

Jisung wiped his tears, humming in agreement

"Don't ever cry again because of me. Think of me as a happy memory. Don't be sad because it ended, be happy because it happened. You promise me that?" Felix said raising his pinky for a pinky promise

"Okay..." The two boys locked fingers and immediately smiled to each other through the pain

Minho was standing in afar watching the scene, quietly sniffling occasionally. It hurted him as well but he was too scared to show his emotions and ruin those moments. His thoughts got interrupted by Felix calling his name. "Yes?"

"Come here..." The Hufflepuff patted the floor next to him

Minho didn't hesitated and walked closer slowly. And after a bit he situated himself next to Felix.

"It was such a pleasure meeting you...Don't be harsh to yourself and let free of your emotions, the people you have around you would never judge you."

'How does he?!' The olders eyes started watering "Okay..."

"Take care of yourself. And Jisungie please"

The Slytherin smiled at the second sentence "I'll make sure nothing will ever happen to him, don't worry."

Loud noises started being heard. That meant only one thing. They had a few seconds before the death eaters would break the room into pieces.

"Quick!" Felix standed up, motivating the two boys to do the same. "Go behind this bed!" He pointed to a bed at the other corner of the wing "it's not far away from the exit but far enough so they won't notice you"

After that the Hufflepuff left the place and went to sit next to his boyfriend. Holding his hand tightly.

"Goodbye Changbin..." Minho said, a tear falling to his cheek. This was one of the most difficult things he ever had to do. They were together since they were children and now he can't even say a proper goodbye to him...

The walls started cracking down and the noises were becoming louder every second that was passing. Jisung and Minho quickly runned to where Felix had told them.

"Goodbye Lee Felix..." Jisung said loudly, giving him a bright smile

Felix smiled back at him "Goodbye Han Jisung..." He waved

The moment he finished his sentence, his attention got distracted by something else. The wall was breaking in two throwing small stone pieces from the now established wall in the face of the young boy.

"That was it my love. I love you Changbin...forever!"

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