Chapter 13

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A middle aged lady then opened the door. She was really pretty, her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing a long floral dress. She seemed kind. When she saw her son she immediately opened her arms for a hug.

The boys were just standing there silently waiting for someone to talk and cut that akwardness up.

"Hello motherrr" Felix greeted the woman and she seemed extremely happy seeing him. She petted the youngers hair and welcomed everyone in the house.

Their house was beautiful, a bit retro and chic at the same time. The all looked around and spotted a female figure going down the stairs. Chan approached her for a hug. They supposed she was Chans sister.

"Hello guys I'm Rosè, nice to meet you". The girl said in a slightly French accent. She seemed one year younger than her brother. And judging from her clothes she was a student at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. That explained the accent but it also meant that she was far away from her home most of the year.

After a little bit they all settled down, went to the table and started eating. In the meanwhile Chans dad and younger brother Jake joined them too. Chans mum had cooked sooo many different dishes and they were all so tasty. A long time had past since Jisung ate homemade food and it reminded him of his home. He missed his parents so bad.

"Soo Jisung isn't it?" The woman asked out of the blue. Jisung turned his face to look at her

"Yes ma'am" He said smiling, trying to be as polite as possible

"And where do your parents live?" She questioned while picking up a piece of meat with her chopsticks.

"Umm...they live in London so I can't see them so ofter" The blonde stated leaving a somewhat sad smile after him.

"Aw honey that's okay. You can come here at weekends if you feel like escaping for Hogwarts for once, or miss homemade food. Don't be nervous, feel like home. Of course that is something you all can do boys, I'm more than happy to take care of Chan's friends!" She continued eating

Jisung was so touched from those words and he nodded with a smile of his face making Chans mum smile as well.

"Sooo Rosè you are going to come to Hogwarts for this ball or something, Hogwarts is hosting right?" Jeongin faced Rosè

"Yes I wouldn't miss it, plus it's a great chance to get to know you all better and understand how can you stand him." She teased Chan who replied with a 'hey'.

"Kids silence while eating" Chan's dad interrupted the siblings

Suddenly they heard a knock at the door. And a faint 'Ajumma it's me'. Chan's mum got up and headed to open the door, she seemed that she recognized the person behind this voice. The door opening revealed a girl their age, her hair was short and bluish and she was holding some packages. Mr. Bang helped her with the boxes placing them down to the floor next to the door.

"Ryujin-ah can't you use a wand or something you are going to hurt your back ugh" Chans mum frowned

Ryujin? She looked familiar for some reason. Was she a student at hogwarts?

"No untie I can't, I'm not 17 yet." Ryujin replied to the woman.

"Ryujinnn" Rosè got up and hugged Ryujin, Chan did the same and then the girl made herself comfortable on the table between Jeongin and Chan.

Jisung was waiting for the young girl to introduce herself since he wasn't sure where he had seen her before. Chan letted out a 'hm' giving the girl the chance to talk to the rest of the boys who were glancing at her with questionable looks on their faces.

"Oh sorry where are my manners. Hello guys, it's nice to see you here." Ryujin got up bowing a bit

Jisung was still confused tho, 'soo she is a student at our school?' He thought to himself.

"Ryujin is a daughter of one of our family friends, plus she is a student at our school. She is Jeongins deskmate, there's no way you haven't seen her before. She is in the Gryffindor quidditch team and her girlfriend Yeji is famous for her skills at the Duelling club..." Chan finished

They all hummed in response not knowing what to say next or how to respond, they were kind of embarrassed that they didn't recognized the girl.

"Minho honey, are you feeling okay? You barely ate anything..." Mr. Bang asked

Minho woke up from his spacing out and replied a small 'yes sorry' in response. Chan sighed but didn't pressed Minho into saying something more or anything.

The sun was slowly setting reminding the guys that they should be heading to sleep soon because they had to go back to Hogwarts early the next day.

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