Chapter 17

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The weekend ended kind of sour but also sweet for Jisung and Minho. Jisung learned something important and hard for someone to handle and Minho was this someone. But other than that, the two boys seemed to be getting closer. Minho had trusted him with an important matter and Jisung felt so glad he did.

The next days seemed pretty much quiet and kind of dull, their routine had completely returned to normal. In the mornings most of them were choosing to skip breakfast *something bad to do* and go directly to their classes then lunch with friends later in the evening before studying for the rest of the day and going for dinner later on if they had any appetite.

For the next five days Minho didn't attend any class or went out of his house's dorm. They only knew that the brunette spended the rest of his weekend, Monday and Tuesday at the hospital wing with high fever and something that looked like a flu. Other than that, learning from Changbin that was his roommate, the older wasn't talking to anyone and was extremely moody, way more than usual.

It was Sunday evening. A week had past since the sleepover at Chan's and Jisung was all alone again at the weekend. The previous day his friends had gone to see their parents and as usual he was left all alone at the Hogwards library, hiding himself behind a mystery book.

Today was a slightly different because Chan had requested meeting them for something. They had no clue what it could possibly be, so they just agreed on meeting at the training grounds, the edges of the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts limits.

Seungmin had already arrived with Hyunjin and after a minute Jeongin and Jisung joined the two boys and Chan waiting for the other three to appear. They strongly believed that Minho wouldn't be joining them. At this point they were all worried about him but they knew that the Slytherin wouldn't talk to them honestly no matter how hard they try. He'd be pretending like everything is fine until it's clearly not, so they couldn’t do much in order to help him, hoping that he'll ask if he wants anything himself.

After a minute the changlix couple appeared having their fingers locked and Minho who was following them joined the five that seemed extremely surprised and happy seeing Minho after a week.

Jisung couldn't blame him for distancing himself from everybody. And he was sure that if the others knew the situation the older was right now they wouldn't either.

"Minho-ya!" Chan approached Minho hugging him

Minho smiled at the older who was bombing him with questions like "Are you okay?" "What happened?" "Is something wrong?" "Are you feeling better?". Minho continued smiling at the older and telling him that everything is fine and that he shouldn't worry.

Jisung was feeling weird seeing Minho again, happy but...weird like his stomach was about to explode everytime he was looking at the older's genuine smile. After the interaction with Chan ended, Minho finally made eye contact with the Ravenclaw who couldn’t stop. Minho was glancing at him with such soft eyes that was making Jisung melt.

"Ugh Sungie go to him, I know you want tooo" Seungmin teased him, wearing a visible smirk

"Go get your man whos freaking playing with an ant for like ten minutes and lemme handle this..." Jisung replied sarcastically to the other

"You-" The younger Ravenclaw flinched at the 'your man' but tried to brush it off chasing Jisung around for a moment.

"Okay okay lemme tell you why you're here today..." Chan interrupted everyone from what they're doing.
"Me, Jeongin, Minho and Changbin are going to teach you Expecto Patronum" the boys froze in the thought

The Patronus Charm is widely regarded as advanced. It's not even taught in Charms on the Hogwarts curriculum and most people their age weren't able to cast. A patronus is an animal-formed protector that prevents Dementors or other evil creatures from harming you.

"And how are we going to do that? I mean HAVE YOU SEEN US? Also the baby knows how to successfully call a patronus?!" Hyunjin said leaving the ant alone.

"We'll work on it. It won't be as hard as you imagine, believe me." Changbin explained

"And yes obsiously I know it, you forgot who my grandpa is? It was one of the first spells I was working on since I was a child. By the age of thirteen I could cast the spell perfectly" Jeongin answered the olders question.

The night started spreading it's veils already. The sky got darker at the point they could hardly see each other.

"Okay The first of all, you have to draw circles with your wand so as to increase the power of their spell..." Chan said to the boys

Now five of them were moving their wand in circles not knowing what to do next.

"What else are we gonna dooo? We look stupid..." Hyunjin complained

"Speak for yourself Hwang..." Seungmin teased the older making him say out a 'yaa'

"Stop it you babies. MINHOOO can you please help Sungie? He seems to not understand what to do. SEE HOW SLOPPY HIS CIRCLES ARE?!" Felix shouted out loud

'DIS BISH DID NOT JUST-' Jisung said to himself.

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