Chapter 14

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The eight boys headed at Chans room. Mr. Bang had set a bedding on the floor of Chans room which was quite big to fit them all minus Ryujin who who about to stay with Rosè for the night. As they learned later the two girls were friends since childhood but they were hardly seeing each other due to the fact that Rosè wasn't studying at Hogwarts but Beauxbatons Academy. She was invited to study at both schools but after a lot of thought she decided to attend the Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts. She had friends there though. The names of the girls were Tzuyu, Nayeon, Mina, Sana and Yeongyeon.

"Okay so how are we going to sleep?" Hyunjin asked the group.

"At duos I suppose..." Chan looked around at his room. Three beddings on the floor and one double regular bed. Chan's bed.

"I'll go with Felix" Changbin said claiming his boyfriend. This made Felix chuckle a little at the older and looking at him with heart eyes, he gave him a soft peck at his lips.
Making everyone look at them with disgust.

"Ewww get a room" Seungmin shutted his eyes in disgust

"HYUNJIN CLOSE THE BABYS EYES" Hyunjin immediately brought his palm infront of the youngers eyes to protect him from watching unholy things.

"Yaa I'm not a baby, I just joined hogwarts earlier that you all" Jeongin pushed Hyunjins hand away

"Being Dumbledores grandson had something to do with this!" The moment Hyunjin replied five pairs of eyes looking at the two shockingly.

"And here's the part where you explain this because nobody knew anything and you told me not to say it but I'm dumb and I hope you don't hate me. I love you Innie" Hyunjin explained himself

Jeongin rolled his eyes before answering
"Okay it's not something too complicated. To sum it up I'm not exactly ALBUS Dumbledores grandson and not biologically. Dumbledores brother Aberforth adopted my mum when she a baby after saving from some death eaters that were as known killing innocent people and they killed my mum's biological parents. My mum is a pure-blooded and thanks to her adopted father she studied magic since she was toddler. Later on she met my dad who is muggle-born and that's how it comes I'm half-blooded. Albus Dumbledore is my grandpa's brother, so my mums uncle. But Aberforth left her when she was a teenager and Albus helped raising her, so I'm used in calling Albus grandfather since I have never really seen Aberforth. Growing up with him my grandfather teached me magic before the time I had to and I came to Hogwarts one year before kids my age." Jeongin finished

One minute of silence had past.

"That was a sum? More of an essay." Minho smiled sarcastically

"AND WAIT A MINUTE!" Jisung interrupted everyone's thoughts.
"How come Hyunjin knows and me, Felix and Seungmin do not?" Jisung questioned

"Its not something big. This boy learned it by mistake, he overheard me and grandpa talking one day. I couldn't lie to him and there was no need, I trust him. DON'T GET TOO COMFORTABLE HYUNG! And Chan-hyung knew as well. He was the first I told this actually. He's my prefect and he was there for me since the first day I came to Hogwarts and eventually we got close." Jeongin looked at Chan


"Aww my baby trust meeee" Hyunjin leaned in to hug Jeongin but he found a finger on his forehead holding his from getting closer to Jeongin. Seungmin. The brunette looked at the slightly older boy with a weird look. The blonde boy smiled and gave Seungmin a back hug, not letting go. Seungmin was trying to push him away and get out of his embrace but deep inside he knew he was enjoying it.

"I'll sleep with Jisung" Seungmin stated, Hyunjin pouted hearing this

"Okay so that leaves me, Jeongin, Minho and Hyunjin..." Chan noted

"Chan it okay if..." Jeongin got interrupted

"Yes innie" Chan replied knowing what the younger was going to say. "And so it's Hyunjin with Minho" He looked around for Minho and he found him already dosing off with his head resting on his arms on Chan's desk.
He methodically lifted Minho up, placed him on the bed, covering him with a blanket and kissing his forehead gently.

"HEYY WATCH OUT HWANG" Seungmin threw a pillow at the blonde. Having good reflexes thanks to Quidditch Hyunjin was able to catch it in the air and throw it back to Seungmin. They both were laughing.

"Hyungs are so immature those days..." Jeongin sighed at the scene

"What did you said baby bread?" Hyunjin got up and started tickling the younger who was laughing his heart out by then.

"Shhh Minho is sleeping, let's not wake him up and it's pretty late, you will be sleepy in the morning. LEE FELIX DON'T YOU DARE THROW THIS PILLOW!" Chan really felt like he was their dad or something. They all agreed with the oldest.

The boys soon grew tired and they started falling asleep one after another.

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