Chapter 35

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"This isn't a good ideaaa" Mingi said throwing his toad in the air which actually landed on Seungmins lap making the young boy scream. "Don't worryyy he's harmlesss"

"I still don't want him to touch me!" Seungmin talked back with a kind of disgusted expression. 'Meanie' Mingi whispered, slightly pouting and lifting his toad up, softly placing him on his knee and continuing petting him.

Namjoon sighed, thinking a bit about his answer "Jisung...I really don't know...Its risky, we will lose tons of house points and you'll surely get detention...but it's your decision nevertheless. You know the consequences..."

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't go. Just I'm worried about you Sungie...what if someone sees you THERE ARE EYES EVERYWHERE!" Seungmin added. He looked on Mingi who seemed completely unbothered, still playing with his toad and making funny faces on him. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"What? OH YES. Um..." Mingi made a pause "I think it's cute he wants to meet you and maybe it's kind of romantic that he has a surprise for you, and the best is that noone would disturb you!" He finished saying and his attention went to the road again.

'They're right...I can't let him down...' Jisung thought to himself. Yes it was risky and Jisung wasn't a rule-breaker normally but this... it's Minho... "I will go!" He announced confidently.


Jisung waited till the time he had to go, keeping himself busy by reading a book and making jokes with Mingi. When he got himself ready to go it looked like his roommates were asleep so he left as quietly as he wouldn't disturb them. Till he heard someone calling his name...

"Jisung!" Namjoon voiced mutely in order not to wake the younger boys. "Good luck" he smiled brightly at him. Jisung suddenly felt assertive, he smiled back at the boy and left the room quickly.

The corridors were empty and quiet, it was the first time actually Jisung saw them like this, usually they were crowded and too loud, this is basically the main reason why Jisung liked staying at his dorm during brakes. He carefully passed the Great Hall paying attention in not making any noise that could attract peeves and ghosts and finally made it into the castle grounds.

He looked around trying to spot Minho but he didn't 'What if we both wear our cloaks? How could we see each other?' He thought and removed his cloak revealing himself. He wandered around for a little bit looking for Minho and got disappointed as he realized that the older was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly he felt cold, like he got locked up in the fridge. He brought his palms up to his arms trying to collect some heat until...

Someone entranced the scene leaving Jisung speechless. It was a tall, black-cloaked figure with rotten, skeletal hands. 'A DEMENTOR?!' Jisung said to himself. He have read about them, the creatures who consume souls. The creatures who lived from darkness and despair. Those who if they'll take your soul you will lose everything, memories, the ability to react and live. And there's no way back. Once you receive the Dementors Kiss you're done!

'There's no way that is happening to me!' And before Jisung even managed to finish his thought a weird feeling came over him. He felt somewhat depressed. He felt like he had no purpose anymore, no dreams, noone to talk to and nothing to live for. He felt miserable with the exact meaning of the word. All his bad memories were playing like a movie on his head, it reminded of how much he used to hate himself and dark times he went through. He remembered of things he wanted to bury inside him forever. And just like that he was being pinned into a wall.

The Dementor pulled back its hood, it clamped it's jaw around the Jisung's mouth and was ready to consume his soul. 'WAKE UP JISUNG DO SOMETHING WHILE YOU CAN!' He knew everything was a trap and he should do something immediately if he doesn't want to lose his soul forever. The Patronus Charm was the charm it could repel the dementor but he couldn't reach his wand no matter how hard he tried... and he also felt like it was pointless to even try...He felt the dementor was slowly sucking his soul out of him. NO! He wanted to live, he wanted to try at least 'JISUNG THINK POSITIVELY, JISUNG, JISUNG, JI-'

"JISUNG!" He heard a voice shooting


Minho seeing what happened he ran the fastest he had ever ran his whole life. He felt like his legs were going to leave his body. Coming close enough to the scene he shouted 'EXPECTO PATRONUM!'. The thin wisp of silver that hovers 'like mist' cat-looking creature came out Minhos wand in a bright light that scared the Dementor away in no time!

That's the last thing Jisung saw before falling to the ground unconscious. Minho ran over him totally freakin out placing Jisung to his lap and hugging him tightly.

"Jisungie! It's okay! You're okay baby! You're okay..." This day is when Minho firstly felt like this. Desperate... He got scared he was going to lose Jisung forever, even after he scared the dementor away he thought he was too late and Jisung was already gone. Many thoughts were running through his head that couldn't hold him back from tearing up even if he wasn't a person who liked expressing his emotions like this, everything though got interrupted by Jisung waking up...

"Don't cry dummy..." Jisung got up looking around and Minho who looked entirely terrified, almost even more terrified than Jisung a moment ago. "I'm okay don't worry, I am still m-"

Minho cut in Jisung's sentence by kissing him softly, that catch Jisung off guard but he responded to the kiss nevertheless. It didn't last more than three seconds but it was enough to make both of them flustered. They both pulled back starring at each other with a loving expression on their faces.

"You were scared you're going to lose me huh?"

"Is that even a question?! I HAVEN'T BEEN MORE TERRIFIED IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!"

"Bwhahah sorry..." Jisung made a pause "But Min...Please never leave me again..."

"Okay then...I promise I won't squirrel!"

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