Chapter 21

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"Minho?" Mina interrupted Chan with a weird look on her face. Maybe she wasn't expecting him there who knows...

The rest of them looked at the siblings questioning what was happening. Most of them could see the resemblance Minho and Mina had but supposed it was a coincidence. Jisung wasn't sure if he should say something or provide any emotional support to Minho discreetly, by holding his hand for example. But no, he just stayed still, waiting for what will happen next. Not because he was shy to do so but because he felt like the older had to deal with this eventually. Minho looked at her with a coldness on his face. She had exactly the same expression.

"Do you two know each other?" Chan asked them.

"Kind of..." Minho explained, breaking eye contact with the young lady. He knew she would have been there, he knew she would but still he was unprepared of what to say to her. They had chosen separate paths two years ago and had cut off any contacts. Now the fact she was there seemed like a delusion.

"Of course we do. He's my brother!" Mina spoke up. She wasn't expecting that the other boys knew nothing about her existence.

'WHAT?!' the boys mouthed. And just like that, five pairs of eyes were now glancing at Minho, impatiently waiting for a good explanation why he literally hid the fact he had a sister.

But being honest, nobody knew many things about Minho's family. In the wizarding world their family name and fame were questionable and kind of...strange. They had this image of a dark, mysterious and secretive household .A brood who have been sorted into Slytherin for generations. Minho was never talking about his family but it was known they had two sons. Minho and Kento. It was never publicly acknowledged that they had a daughter. And they wondered why...

" have a sister?" Changbin asked looking at his Hyung who was visibly struggling handling the situation.

"Kind of..." Minho turned his head to face the younger too but breaking the eye contact a few seconds after.

"And you never told us?" Changbin said again somewhat shocked

"He never talks about his family babe let him be...I'm sure he has his reasons" Felix spoke up and went to Changbin linking their arms together and caressing the olders with his hand. It worked though because Changbin stopped asking questions.

Minho sighed and mumbled a small 'thank you' to the young Hufflepuff. Felix did the same mouthing 'always'. The air was too thick. Minho felt a little overwhelmed by the situation and made a move to leave.

"Minho wait!" Mina grabbed Minhos wrist "Can we please talk for a little bit? I'm pretty sure we both have things to say."

Minho was sure surprised. He thought his sister wanted to stay extraneous and irrelevant with their family. "I guess so." He replied unsure about his answer.


The sun was slowly setting. If there's one Hogwarts rule that the professors wouldn't stop mentioning, it's the 'no wandering outside the common rooms at night' thing but it was still early so he didn't believe they would have a problem... The siblings moved outside to the training grounds, they sat down to the grass next to each other and waiting for someone to say something first, anything! The silence between them was too loud to handle. They knew what they were going to talk about but noone seemed to make a move in making this any less ticklish.

"So, how have you been?" Mina asked breaking this silence, too typical and basic question but someone had to talk first in order to have a conversation.

"Hm I've been okay I guess" Minho replied "How about you?"

"Fine...fine..." Mina spoke " see mum and dad? Kento? Sunghoon?"

Minho knew this question was about to come.  " I saw him the last time you did, I think it's been 6 years since then I don't know, when I was invited to Hogwarts and you joined the Beauxbatons. The others are fortunately or not still a part of my life."

"Have they yet..." Mina seemed uneasy

"Joined them? What do you think? They've been doing dirty jobs with them since ever, it's unbelievable that they even lasted that long." Minho lied down to the grass signing

"Hm. For some reason I'm not surprised at all. And I suppose Kento joined them too..." Mina lied down too next to her brother. Minho hummed. "And I suppose they want you to join them after your graduation as well..." Minho hummed again in agreement 'Nice response Lee Minho'  "And you're not gonna do this are you? Minho think about the consequences of this! Mommy and daddy are not gonna protect you forever-" Mina started panicking

"I know, I know...and obviously I'm not going to do this. I just don't want you and Sunghoon to go through what I am. I don't want you to get pressured to follow this, so please don't see them again!"

"Minho...last time we saw each other dad said that he doesn't have a daughter anymore. I don't think he will talk to me now. He doesn't need me, he never believed on me anyways. But he believes on you and Kento..." Mina made a pause before talking again.
"I am sorry I left you alone to deal with this...with this family in general. It's not too late! You can disappear after your graduation like I did. We can leave together away from them, WE COULD GO TO GRANDMA, GRANDPA AND SUNGHOON!"

Minho knew it would have been seriously perfect if he would have been able to do this, but thinking realistically it was somehow hard, almost impossible. "You know I can't. I can't get out of this just by running away. For some reason he believes I can do things like him and follow his example. But... if you knew that he will never force you to join him why did you left at the first place?" He looked at her

"I left because I knew what they've been doing all of those years, and I was against it. I didn't felt safe at all being part of this family! Death eaters were literally hanging out to our living room. My brother and parents were working with them just for some easy dirty money and back up, with actual death eaters who killed thousands of innocent people...Plus I knew it would eventually ruin my life. I don't want this for you. Do something while you can..."

Mina was one hundred percent right and Minho knew it but he couldn't do much about it. It was good to know that Mina was safe though, or at least she most likely will be. But still he couldn't turn his back to his own family just like that. They were his family after all, they might be toxic and manipulating, but after all they're his family. Many thoughts were going through his head, currently unable to deal with them.

"I'll think about what you said." Minho told her

"That's good..." Mina got up. "Well...I have to go. I'll see you around anyways. Goodnight!" And just like that she left, leaving Minho alone with his thoughs...

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