Chapter 57

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The environment inside the room of requirement was extremely disturbing. Learning about Felix's and Changbin's death hitted them like a truck. The sudden news seemed like a delusion. The four boys were now sitting down in the cold floor, unexpresively looking at the empty space infront of them.

Jeongin was curled up in Minho's lap and seemed asleep while the older was gently caressing his head. The boy had almost passed out earlier from crying too much, the exhaustion and sleep deprivation was messing with his head making him even more emotional. The rest of the boys were glad the younger was finally resting, even though if it was an uneasy sleep. The boy was occasionally sobbing, mumbling or trembling restlessly in his sleep. The realization had dawned, trying to accept the fact that their friends were long gone...

At a point they discussed whether they should tell the others as soon as they wake up or wait till they realize for themselves. Eventually they agreed on not telling Seungmin about their loss as he already had been through so much recently...


A voice spoke up distracting Jisung from his thoughts, head turning to face the now awake boy.

"Sungie?" Hyunjin tried to blink the sleep off his eyes "Minho? You're back?"

Jisung forced a smile, nodding a bit

"Where are Binnie and Lix?" The Hufflepuff questioned, looking around to spot the two boys, only to look back to Jisung with a worried expression when he saw he couldn't detect them anywhere nearby

The Ravenclaw's smile faded. This sudden change of expression didn't went unnoticed by the boy infront of him.

With eyes quivering he looked at Minho and Chan to get a solid explanation. But they only looked down right after they made eye contact with Hyunjin.

"TELL ME HAN JISUNG!" He spoke up loudly but covered his mouth in regret when he realized that there was a boy sleeping on him, his boyfriend.

Jisung eyes started tearing up, letting out a soft sob before talking... "Gone."


"Could I please get your attention, young ladies and gentlemen?" Dumbledore spoke up getting everyone's attention on him immediately "The stuff and I after an essential discussion we've come into a conclusion. Help from the ministry of magic was supposed to be in the way but apparently nobody is here. The reason we're here was to defend the castle! And I'm hiding is supposed to help us now? If we won't defend the castle nobody will! So I'm ready to fight for it, so are your professors. Stay hidden and don't even think of going out!" The headmaster demanded

The requirement room was silent, processing what they just heard.

"CAN I JOIN YOU SIR?" A voice shouted loudly from the crowd making the whole room turn to look at the owner curiously.

Professor Lupin cracked a smile "Brave Kim Hongjoong aren't you?"

"He's right!" Another voice was heard "Why don't you give us a chance as well?" Mingi spoke up gathering all the attention on him. His boyfriend seemed tense after those words and after  looking around, he held Mingi by his shoulders sitting him down.

Dumbledore hearing the objections felt the need to respond properly. "Very well Mr Song...Any volunteers would be treated welcoming but nobody younger than year five is allowed to join. Is this okay with you?" He made a pause. Chaos between the students started to occur as soon as he stopped talking.

"However... I suggest you thinking carefully about your decision. Your bravery will be admired. Just don't be too arrogant, ending up killing yourself in process. We've leave you some time to think about this. We'll start as soon as the sun sets!"


"I can come with you!" Ryujin insisted

"You can, I have no doubt you can defend yourself babe!" Yeji placed her palm on her girlfriends right cheek, caressing it softly "But despite that it's a risk...and I can't promise that I will be able to stand beside you at all times."

Yeji being a popular champion of Duelling Club and a talented witch, known in the whole wizarding world for being one of the brightest witches her age, have learned several self-defense spells which can keep her from being harmed. She's quick and her reflexes are brilliant but in spite of all that, she wasn't really confident on her skills, especially if her girlfriend's life depends on it. She would do everything to keep the younger girl safe.

"Please take care yourself okay?" Ryujin whispered, pecking the Slytherins lips lovingly

"Okay! I promise!" She petted her girlfriend cutely


Meanwhile, Seungmin had woken up, still unknowingly giving secret glances to his friends whom's expressions obsiously showed that something was wrong. Seungmin wasn't dumb, he was far from that. And he couldn't let the fact Felix and Changbin were missing pass like that. They were hiding something from him...and his suspicions were growing every passing second. But he decided to not pressure them into telling him. To decide was for his own good... But also to decide that it meant only one thing...the scary truth he was avoiding...

"I'm going with them!" Jisung announced. Minho looked briefly at the boy. He wasn't going to stop him. He knew he was thirsty for revenge.

"So will I." Chan added "But someone need to stay here with Jeongin." He looked at the sleeping boy resting on Minho's lap.

"I have to come as well. I need to clear some things out." Minho stated

Seungmin rolled his eyes realizing that only him and Hyunjin were left. And knowing damn well, his boyfriend would force him into staying back.

Hyunjin made contact with the young boy beside him and Seungmin locked their fingers in response. The older boy closed his eyes sighing before speaking up..."Puppy I-"

The quidditch player got interrupted by a sudden embrace. The younger wrapped his tightly arms around his boyfriend to shut him down, guessing what the other boy was about to imply. It felt safe and secure but they eventually had to let go...

"Just take care...don't end up like Felix and Changbin please... Jinnie..."

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