Chapter 49

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"Shouldn't they be back by now?" Felix murmured, pacing up and down restless

Jeongin sighed "Hyung sit down you've been up for two hours, I'm tired even watching you. What if you sit and calm down for a little bit? I doubt if you slept at all last night..."

"Innie believe me I'm trying..." The younger Hufflepuff said, settling down to the floor next to Seungmin.

Seungmin grinned and held the olders waist bringing him closer to his body "come here" the brunette opened his arms hugging the young boy who buried his head to the his chest. The blonde took some deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly as the younger has caressing his back in circled motions.

It was snowing heavily. The weather was cold up in the astronomy tower, so was the atmosphere in the group. Jisung glazing over, sitting on the corner, away from the others curled up, arms hugging his legs and head resting on his knees.

"Sung" A voice interrupted Jisung's thoughts. Jisung turn his head to identify the person

"Hey Jin" He smiled faintly. Hyunjin settled down next to the younger boy.

"How are you holding up?"

"I've been better.." There was no point in lying at the moment. It's over two days since they arrived at Hogwarts and still no signs from Minho, Changbin and Chan. Felix got his nightmares acting up again. It's a miracle if he had slept more than two hours in general. It was usually Hyunjin or Seungmin who were trying to calm him down and always in the end they hugged him to sleep.

"Um guys?" Jeongin spoke up kind of loudly looking at the horizon outside the big window-like opening the tower had.

"What is it?" Seungmin asked curiously

"THEY'RE ARE TWO BROOMSTICKS MAKING THEIR WAY HERE!" The younger of all shouted out loud. By the time he finished his sentence five people had gathered next to him.

"GOSH HE'S RIGHT!" Hyunjin confirmed waiting for them to get closer so they could have a better look.

"Chan is in the front..." Jisung said enthusiastically "AND MINHO FOLLOWS!" He smiled widely, he haven't smiled in days, it felt so good. His soulmate is okay. He can't remember when was the last time when he felt that happy.

On the other hand Felix looked distressed, trying to spot his boyfriend, squeezing his eyes a little bit in order to focus on the broomsticks that were coming.


Felix sighed in relief when he indeed saw his boyfriend was behind Minho.

Waiting for the boys to arrive seemed like and eternity. They successfully passed the 'protective' shield and got inside the Hogwarts area. There was no way Dumbledore hadn't saw them leaving and coming back to Hogwarts after realizing it was nothing but an illusion. And Jisung doubt that Jeongin haven't already told something to his grandfather about the situation they're in, but knowing how much his grandson cares about his friends he would let this one pass.

"HELLOOO THEREEE!" Chan shouted out loud, and to Jisung's surprise the older wasn't smiling like he would normally have.

'Let's pray everything is in my head and nothing bad happened. Please... Wait Hyung is soaking wet!"

Chan arrived to the tower and carefully got off the broomstick while everyone was running over to him. Hugging him tightly.

Before they could realize it Minho had arrived as well...with Changbin.

Jisung looked at the broomstick coming, Minho and Changbin were soaking wet as well. And Changbin was UNCONSCIOUS!


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