Chapter 32

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A few weeks passed since the Ball. The dorm mates after this one nighttime they spended together, they managed to get considerably closer than before. What happened with Minho though you may ask...
The ambiance between the two boy didn't seem to change drastically like Jisung thought it would. They were shy around each other as usual and circumstantially happened to get to talk with each other alone just a few times. Their feelings were growing bigger at this point every passing day.

The weekend had just started, the group of friends had rousing plans for the days coming, they mainly yearned for going to an amusement park and make a memory box.

But today it was the amusement park's turn. The boys were all packed up and ready, waiting to the castle grounds.

"Okay I got, water, chips, sandwiches, band aids, painkillers, socks, jackets, sunglasses, hats, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, cash and quarters, metal straws, hair ties, towels, umbrella, ponchos and wipes. Do we need anything else?" Chan asked the boys who looked shocked

"Are you planning on living there forever or what?" Minho said sarcastically

"I think this bag can pack me in as well..." Felix joked starring at the bag with a dazed expression.

"Ugh Minho don't you know them? You have to be prepared for anything those babies are going to need! I don't want them to be complaining for being  hungry, cold, hot, wet, thirsty, in pain or anything else."

"Hmm...whatever mummy. Come on Hannie let's go!" Minho said riding his broom and getting ready to leave

Jisung looked at him with wide eyes. Unsure about the situation. 'Are we going to share a broom? Why nobody warned me?!'

"Cmonn squirrel I'm not going to kidnapp you or anythinggg" The brunette smiled at the younger softly which made him melt

The Ravenclaw boy shyly got closer. He knew he would have to hug the older in order not to fall eventually so he just pushed his thoughts aside and did it already. The action made the Slytherin flinch but still crack a smile. Jisungs head was resting on the Minhos back and his arms were embracing him tightly.

"MINHO-HYUNG!" Hyunjin spoke up "Will you be okay?"

Minho just nodded and smiled to Hyunjin to reassure him as the younger seemed genuinely worried. "We're off, don't be too late!" Minho said teasingly and took off

They route they had to take was from the Black Lake go to the Hogwarts express and then to King's Cross Station to get their way to London where they could go to the amusement park by taking the metro or the bus.

Jisung had his eyes closed during the whole ride, the only thing he knew was that he was holding Minho so tightly like his life was depending on him which technically was but anygays.

"Squirrel...we're your eyes"

Jisung opened his eyes, set Minho free and got off the broomstick. Minho did the same thing right after.

"OH MY- A GHOST!" Felix yelled facing Minho who looked kind of pale.

"Why would you do this if you're scared hyung?" Changbin thought of this a little bit and replied his question himself with a "Right..."


A few hours passed in the Hogwarts Express and the metro. Jisung was obsiously guiding them since London was his hometown and knew how to get around the city without getting lost after five minutes. But finally after so many hours they reached their destination.

"Finallyy. I'm thirsty and tireddd" Felix complained but before he got to finish his sentence Chan passed him a water bottle "You really have taken the fact you're the oldest very seriously! Thank you though Channie."

Jisungs eyes were shining, it was the first time he was actually going to an amusement park in his life

"You're so cute squirrel. Let's go inside I'm going to pay!" Minho made a move to leave

"You're not going to pay for my ticket too right?" Minho looked away "MINHO NO! Just no, I can pay for mine!"

"Aww it's okay. It's my parent's anyways" He winked before leaving


"Let's go to the hunted mansion!" Jisung suggested

"NO I WANT THE CAROUSEL!" Felix fought back

"No I won't go there because you want to made out with Changbin in the cabins!"


Chan went in the middle of them and tried to separate them "Guys-"

"LETS GO TO THIS WATER-THINGY RIDEEEE!!!" Jeongin said out loud and they all agreed except Felix and Jisung but eventually they went with it cause come on who wouldn't agree with their baby?

They setted themselves into the wagons in pairs. The pairs were the usuals and obviously Jisung magically shared a wagon with Minho. The ride was about to start, Jisung was so excited and turned his head to face Minho, and surprisingly to him the older he wasn't looking excited at all, he seemed terrified.

"The height..." Minho knew Jisung was going to ask.

'Minho is scared of heights? And why did he wanted us to share a broom if he was scared of it at the first place?' Jisung without second thought held the olders hand. Minho was surprised at the action but smiled anyways holding Jisungs hand tightly

The ride went by smoothly, though they could hear a few 'HWANG IM GOING TO KILL YOU I SWEAR!' and loud noises from their back seats but they were just laughing at it.

The day went through quickly with nobody realizing it. They had actually reached their last stop before leaving...the carousel. They got separated into pairs and thats how Jisung and Minho ended up together again.

They settled down on the seats of their cabin, the air was thick and the ambiance was kind of tense. At first Jisung was planning on sitting across the older boy but Minho objected tapping the seat next to him for Jisung to sit. Maybe it was better like this, that way they could avoid eye contact. The only sound was the roaring in their heads, audible to no one but themselves.

"Hyung..." Jisung suddenly spoke up. Minho turned his head to face him with wondered eyes, humming softly "Is everything okay with your parents?"

"Hm? Oh's the usual I guess..." He made a pause and silence filled the room once again "Sungie I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Actually me too Min!" He jumped up

"Talk first" he sat closer to the blonde, the action made the younger shy and immediately broke their eye contact.

Jisung's eyes widened thinking about this twice. Was he really going to do this? "That day you were drunk what you said..." He didn't got to finish his sentence because a pretty boy interrupted him...

"I meant it...every word of it"

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