Chapter 30

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"You- know me?" Jisung questioned

"Yes I do know you Jisung. I do since you firstly came in here. The only muggle-born who came at Hogwarts in years, it was you, a little cute boy with glasses and chubby cheeks. You were a pretty interesting topic for us to talk with one another indeed."

"Oh...well I'm not surprised to be honest you know me because I'm a muggle-born. Most of the people I've talked to are saying the the same thing when they first meet me..." Jisung smiled

"I'm sorry bub. You are a lot more than a muggle-born. But if I remember correctly that's how Minho recognized you as well right? The first you met under that tree. You seemed kind of sad to the fact he knew you because of that and he was scared he might lose you even if he had just met you."

"Wait he was?" Jisungs eyes widened

"Hm. He was! He cares about you Jisung, more than you think. And that other time when those bullies did the 'crucio' spell to you and Bang Chan, Seo Changbin and Minho found you almost unconscious...that's when he called you-"

"Baby!" Jisung interrupted her

Felix seemed to panic at the heard of this "WAIT WHAT?! THEY CURSED AT HIM?!" he faced Changbin and punched him slightly "YOU SAID HE WAS JUST FEELING SICK NOT THAT HE GOT CURSED!"

"Sorry...Jisung said he didn't wanted any of you to know because he knew you would react like that" Changbin said

"OBSIOUSLY WE WOULD. WHEN DID THIS HAPPENED SUNG? WHY I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THIS? Have they done something to you after that?" Seungmin asked

"Should we found them and kick their asses?" Jeongin suggested

"No guys it's okay, I'm fine. I was just feeling tired for some days after that, there was no need for you to worry about something you couldn't do anything about." Jisung hugged his friends

"OH RIGHT. What I wanted to tell you was...Jungkook and the others took Minho out of the castle" The female ghost stated

Jisung was starting to worry "What? Were did they go?"

"They were mumbling something about The Leaky Cauldron"

"THE WHAT? They went in London? To a pub?! OUT OF ALL PLACES?! I need to go there now!" Jisung shouted out loud and made a move to leave before someone stopped him

"There's no need Sung" Jisung faced Chan "He will be back on his own. I don't think he'll stay too long in there, he can't even handle alcohol. It's too risky for all of us to go there..."

"That's why I'm going alone!" Jisung pushed Chans hand out of his shoulder



'Where the heck he is?" Jisung walked to the Diagon Alley. It was dark and cold. You could only hear a squeak far far away and some night owls. He was kind of regretting coming there all alone but he had to find Minho at once. And suddenly as he was walking unbothered he felt someone sticking him Into a red bricked wall. He was frightened, he heart had almost stopped and his eyes were shutted closed. He couldn't open them supposing that he was going to face a drunk old man that who knows what he wanted from him.

"Hannie..." The person spoke up. The voice was familiar, he calmed down and opened his eyes

"Oh thank goodness, Min it's really you I got really scared for a moment..." He sighed. The older had his eyes almost closed and his cheeks were as red as a tomato. "OH GOSH YOU'RE DRUNK AREN'T YOU?!"

"!¡" Minho replied

"You stink alcohol ugh. I need to get you to the school...can you walk on your own?" Jisung made a move to

"No I want to stay here. If I come with you, you will go find your girlfriend and leave me alone..." Minho said with a pout

"Excuse me? Girlfriend?"

The girl who was dancing with you, the Beauxbaton.."

"She's not my girlfriend! We just danced together! And why do you care who I'm dancing with anyways?"

"You wanna know why huh? BECAUSE I FUCKIN LOVE YOU HAN JISUNG!"

Jisungs eyes widened, he could swear that his breath and heart had stopped by now. His cheeks felt hot and he couldn't face the older 'HE WHAT' "What did you just said..."


"JISUNG! MINHO!" They heard a voice approaching them...Chan "Minho you didn't got drunk did you?" He helped Minho up and held him in piggyback style. The Slytherin though was falling fast asleep on the olders shoulder. "Is everything okay with you? You seem weird. Did he said something to you? Don't worry he's drunk he doesn't meant it"

'That's what I'm afraid of'

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