Chapter 11

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"OH!" Jisung gasped pushing the older's hand away, his were cheeks as red as they could be at this point.

Minho kept watching him kind of freaking out with confused eyes. The younger was restless, moving around anxiously looking the floor. With confused eyes as the brunette didn't even understood what was happening and why was Jisung so weird as he just had woken up and he was still a little bit out of it. The silence was too loud among the eight boys, apparently watching the scene playing was hilarious to Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix who were chuckling. It took a while for someone to finally talk.

"Anygays, are we gonna flight with our broomsticks all the way to your home?" Felix began
Suddenly Chan and Changbin turned to glance at Minho, the blonde did too and he was surprised to see his hyungs face as white as the snow. Jisung looked at him as well with concern, not knowing how to react.

"Min-"  Jisung got interrupted by Chan

" Actually I was thinking for a kind of safer way. A portkey, you all have used portkeys before haven't you?" The group hummed positively expect Jisung

Hearing that Minho sighed in relief. Still looking kind of pale but he seemed kind of better than before.

'Does he has a problem with broomsticks or something?'

He wasn't sure if it was a good idea for Minho to leave Hogwarts as he still was kind out of it and mostly ignoring the 'are you okay?' Changbin and Chan were asking him but he overall seemed too lost in his thoughs that couldn't hear anyone. Hyunjin and Jeongin were playing around as usual and Felix was talking with Seungmin. Gossiping about the two people kissing across them probably...

"Wait... Sungie have never used a portkey." Seungmin suddenly voiced

"Um...that's true actually. I'm muggle-born sooo we didn't used those a lot home, but I've read about it and I'm a fast learner..." Jisung responded to the statement

"It's okay hannie it's not something difficult, plus we'll be there the whole time to help you okay? Just PLEASE don't leave the portkey before we tell you so. Understood?" Hyunjin asked and Jisung agreed after him

"Dont worry it'll be fine. Now that everything is settled. Should we start?" Chan announced

"OH OH HYUNG I've got an idea. Can you just do the apparetion spell? and boom we are there. You have a license to use it don't u?" Jisung responded whining cz he was too lazy to go outside right now plus the weather was kind of chilly cause it was in the middle of the winter.

"Sungie we have to go outside anyways, teleporting inside the castle doesn't work, they've already taken care of it." Seungmin explained to him

"Aside from that, It's hard to get it right and it's way more dangerous teleporting like this. You know what will happen if I do a mistake don't you? Sorry but I don't wanna risk it Sungie..." The older stated

Jisung realized that the older was right indeed. It was a lot more dangerous going by a portkey. But he trusted his friends to help him as he was feeling kind of nervous. How did he ended up like this? From being an ordinary muggle to studying at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? It seemed like a daydream at this point. The magic that once only existed in his childhood fairytiles was now his whole life. Always having Seungmin and Felix by his side and getting close with a boy he was really interested in knowing better. OH RIGHT, Minho. Was he in a state to travel right now? Plus there might be side effects from using a portkey, nausea and dizziness wouldn't be pleasant to the boy since he already didn't looked good.

Minho was now holding up on Hyunjin locking their arms, saying he's just tired to everyone who had asked him if he's okay while they were all heading to the forest, a few miles away from Hogwarts so the portkey could actually work.

After just a few minutes they eight boys reached a wide area of the forest, where surprisingly there were no trees. The portkey can be any object and in this case, the portkey Chan was owning was a clock. They all got around the clock.

"Okay so... Sungie, we all hold on this till I tell you to let it go. After you do you just fall but don't worry, we are going to be a little shaken up but even like that don't panic at all so we will avoid any injuries, try to close your eyes if you get dizzy and you'll be just fine. Understand? You can hold my hand the whole time and don't worry for anything." Chan said to the younger lifting his hand to inlock their fingers together.

"Okay, let's go!"

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