Chapter 33

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"That day you were drunk what you said..." He didn't got to finish his sentence because a pretty boy interrupted him...

They both knew what he was talking about but the blonde actually felt a little nervous saying it out loud.

"I meant it...every word of it" Minho said without hesitating at all

Jisungs eyes widened once again at the response 'He seriously remembered? He was drunk as hell HOW?! And that means...he actually loves me? Did I heard that right?!'

"Is that what you wanted to hear? Huh Sungie?" Minho smirked jokingly to the younger and suddenly got serious right after for a reason. But still even those few words made him blush.

Jisung stayed silent. He was too stunned to speak "Hyung I- don't know what to say to be honest..." he sighed looking down. It was the truth though... his mind was a fuss

"Huh? Why are you signing squirrel? I am supposed to be in the difficult place right now. I confessed to you while drunk! I mean who does that...I imagined of it a way more romantic way considering I had a clue about how you feel about this but still... Anyways I'm really sorry if I brought you in a difficult place!" Minho apologized, the boy seemed genuinely upset...

"NO DON'T SAY SORRY! Yes you did confessed to me but it's not a big deal really! Don't feel bad or something please..."

"Han Jisung...Han Jisung..." Minho sighed this time "What do you take me for?" *A/N we love mdzs*

"H-huh? Um..." Jisung got nervous "I take you soulmate in this world" *A/N Lwj is currently punching the air*

Minho was kind of shocked. Soulmate? That word made a lot of sense thinking about their relationship. But he still didn't the older couldn't find the words to actually answer something. He stayed still, facing the floor for a few seconds. Then he finally got the courage to talk "What about Lisa?"

"What do you mean? Min I-"

"Jisungie, it's not fair for her tho...nothing that's happening right now is fair, her boyfriend is with another person who drunkenly admitted he liked him and he-"

"LEE MINHO!" Jisung interrupted him, he knew what topic the older was about to bring up, he said it before while he was drunk. 'Not Lisa again...' But thinking about it, it doesn't matter right now, nothing does. He was there, with Minho, the one he liked, he just admitted he liked him as well.

The ride was short and the blonde felt the need to utter some things while they were alone, the time was more than precious at the moment.
Minhos eyes widened, it was the first time the younger was talking to him in a tone like this...
"LET ME FUCKIN FINISH! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS HUH?!" He yelled leaving Minho even more speechless than he already was
"You're so clever why are you acting so dumb right now? I swear to God I'm going to forehead flick you!"

"Wh-" Minho stated, confused about the youngers sudden behavior

"I MEAN I LOVE YOU TOO IDIOT!" Jisung made a pause, took a breath and got closer to the older who was looking surprised
"I've always have, since I firstly saw you, since you firstly called me squirrel. Kind of lame but I liked it. It made my heart flutter, everytime you're near me or we share an interaction I can't get my heartbeat and breathing under control...AND NOW YOU SAY THIS? Nothing ever happened with Lisa, we just danced together and laughed watching me being all sloppy while dancing, nothing more. That's what happened if you're so curious..."

"You l-love me?"

" dummy...I thought I was being clear enough telling you that just your existence and everything you do makes me whipped as heck. I can't believe I'm saying that all those at the first place but do you wanna hear more? You're the first person who makes me feel like this and-" Jisung got interrupted

That's when it happened. Jisung found a pair of lips collided on his, it took him a bit to observe the situation. Minhos lips were moving slowly in a soft and gentle caress giving Jisung small kisses in the way. When he realized the state he was in at the moment, the blonde kissed back following the Minho's lead.
The older smelled like jasmine, his lips were so soft too, he actually couldn't love the feeling they had on his lips more. It was warm and wet, yet so beautiful and enjoyable. At a moment Jisung felt Minhos hands going down to his waist pulling him so close to his body in no minute, Jisung felt comfortable and rested his one arm on the olders shoulder, gently caressing his hair. The older just smiled at the action but he didn't broke the kiss. They continued like this for one hot minute but stopped realizing that the ride had almost ended.

The boys faced each other, cheeks red and breath way faster than it normally was. Jisung got a little shy realizing the fact his arm was still placed in the olders shoulder, so he made a move to remove it looking down and breaking eye contact with Minho. But the Slytherin boy stopped him by holding his wrist, and not long after he inlocked their fingers.

"Aww is my squirrel shy? You're so adorable pls- Your cheeks are all red" Minho patted the youngers head making him blush even more

"OH SEE IT'S STOPPING! TIME TO GO!" Jisung unlocked their fingers getting up and standing closer to the exit.

Once the door opened and they got out and saw their friends waiting for them. They all started walking, leaving the park...

Jeongin since they got out, was waiting for the moment Jisung would be alone so he can approach him "YOU KISSED MINHO DIDN'T YOU?!" Jeongin asked the obvious

Jisung got nervous 'How-' "Innie-"

"Your cabin was close to ours AND THEY'RE MADE OF GLASS FOR GOD'S SAKE! You're lucky Chan-Hyung was too busy taking photos of some random birds flying around! Oh boy it was like we didn't had birds back at Hogwarts..." The young boy joked

"OH THAT'S GOOD! It would have been embarrassing as heck if he learned of it that way..." Jisung sighed

"Soo what was this? Are you official now or something?"

"I don't know...we didn't talked much..."

"I suppose you were too busy kissing that you forgot about the talking part" The Gryffindor boy sarcastically said

"HEY! YOU TOO YOUNG TO TALK ABOUT THINGS THIS LIKE THIS! And I said we didn't talked MUCH not at all, we talked about each other feeling and I sortly MIGHT have told him that I love him..."

"WHAT THAT'S HUGE! My favourite Hyung has a boyfriendddd!" Jeongin stated excited

"I-" Jisung smiled at the younger "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HUH?" They chased each other around laughing loudly. That was surely an unforgettable day...

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