Chapter 28

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The night had come, the Hogwarts was crowded. Beautiful ladies in long dresses and men in luxurious tuxedos. Jisung was heading to the Great Hall as well as his friends, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin. They were supposed to meet their dates there, and their friends Minho and Jisung.

And as they expected everyone was already gathered there. The Great Hall covered in shimmering silver, dripping icicles and sparkling snow it looked mesmerizing. The top section of the Great Hall was transformed with snow-covered Christmas trees, icicles and an orchestra of magical instruments that matched the silver of the Ball. The long dining tables were dressed as they were for seasonal feasts at Hogwarts with prop versions of roast turkeys, hams studded with cherries and even Christmas puddings surrounded by flames. Ghosts were casually flying around and chatting with each other and the lonely students.

"Hello baby" Changbin came closer and pecked his boyfriend, Felix smiled widely and linked their arms together leaving the entrance.

"Hello to you too handsome!" Hyunjin spoke up heading to the group. He offered him his hand to Seungmin who's face had reddened in no time. He genuinely accepted the offer and held the olders hand. They both smiled at each other, too lost in their own little world, and left as well.

"I think I'm going to go look for Chan. Is it okay if you stay here alone? I can stay with you if you want Sung no problem really!" Jeongin asked the older

"Nono it's totally okay Innie go, I have to find Lisa anyways too. Have fun, see you later!" Jisung greeted the younger before they both got lost in the crowd. Jisung eventually found Lisa, she was chatting with some friends. She was wearing a blue strapless dress with glitter and flowers all over, her hair was down falling to her shoulders and she was also wearing a necklace that looked like a snowflake to him. She looked absolutely stunning. He wasn't sure if he should go to her or just stay there waiting the time she'll notice him.

He looked around for a little bit to see if he could spot his friends but he didn't found them, they were too many people he couldn't search a lot without moving around. He spotted someone else though, occasionally he could feel the persons eyes starring at him so strongly that he couldn't move. 'Minho ugh...'

"Hey Jisunggg" The Ravenclaw boy turned his head and faced Lisa coming over to his direction. He greeted her back as well and she linked their arms together without him realizing much.

They were now dancing at the middle of the floor, students were starring at them, but Jisung could feel someone's eyes burning his back more than the others. The music was loud but beautiful, they had played some classical pieces Jisung liked a lot. His one hand was at Lisa's waist and the other was holding her hand up. She was a good dancer, Jisung was really impressed by her abilities. But Jisung wasn't...and as it was kind of expected, he almost fell while they were dancing, the students stared a little bit but soon he got over it and the partners both laughed and smiled at each other. 'She's not that bad...'


"May I have this dance sir?" Hyunjin bowed to the boy in front of him, smiling cutely "I wish I could say no but I can't, you're way too cute to reject!" Seungmin replied sarcastically and held the olders hand, who was guiding him to the dance floor. Hyunjin placed his hands at the youngers waist and Seungmin around the Hufflepuffs neck, it reminded him of their first kiss.

They could feel people starring at them, not the warmest way. Seungmin expected this though, Hyunjin was extremely popular among both girls and boys at Hogwarts. Many people had asked him to be his date for the Ball and they were pretty upset when he was telling them he already had someone. Seungmin knew after this that he was going to get stalked and stared a lot from Hyunjin's fans but the boy was worth it.

"Babe?" Seungmin got the olders attention who hummed in response. "Minho is looking at Jisung and Lisa dancing like he's going to attack in any minute soon really!" Hyunjin checked and the younger was right indeed. "Let them be, let's not bother..." Seungmin agreed, he placed his head on Hyunjin's shoulder getting furthermore closer. Hyunjin closed his eyes leaning his head on the top of the youngers, hugging him even closer than they already were.


"Hello squirrel!"

Jisung turned around to face the person who was talking to him, though he knew who it was. There was only one person calling him squirrel and that was...

"OH to you too" Jisung said nervously, they haven't spoken in days and yet here he is. Lisa was starring at the scene confused, not knowing how to act or whether it would have been right to say something. She could surely feel the tension and the thick air floating in the atmosphere.

"I'm going to get a drink...see you later Jisung" Lisa stated and like that she left.

"Um...Minho what-"

"Do you want to dance with me?"

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