Chapter 27

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Finally the day they were all waiting for was there. It was the Ball day. Hogwarts was getting decorated in silver and white colors. Many Christmas trees around as it was almost Christmas day, in the halls, the common rooms and even the library. Most students had found their date for the Ball. Almost all of them actually. Seungmin with Hyunjin, Felix with Changbin, even Chan decided to go with Jeongin since they both had no partners. Jisung had noone, out of the group only Minho and him didn't had a date.

It was kind of disappointing Minho never asked him out. Those days that had past they barely saw each other. Only once at the Great Hall, the older was about to leave when Jisung got in. They only shared a look and that didn't last much. 

"Hello dumbie!" A voice spoke up sitting next to him

"FELIX JEEZ-" Jisung sighed

"What's up with you? You look so into your thoughts. Who were you thinking of? Minho?" Felix teased


"UGH? I was just messing around! What happened? Did he asked you out yet? NO! HE DID SOMETHING TO YOU DIDNT HE? OH MY GOD I SWEAR IM GONNA KILL THIS BOY-"

"Lix nothing happened...just I don't know...he seems distant and I don't like that. I did nothing wrong did I?"

"OH no you didn't" Felix pulled Jisung in a hug, cuddling him and caressing his hair softly "Its him...I guess he's being too lost in his thoughts like you are. Do you want me to do something for you Sungie?"

"No lix it's okay thank you-" A voice interrupted him

"Excuse me..." A voice stated, the two boys turned their heads to face the owner of the voice. It was a girl. She was beautiful, she had black short hair tied up in a low bow and bangs that suited her so much. She was wearing the Beauxbatons uniform and holding a golden wand. "Hello I'm Lisa!" The girl introduced herself cracking a smile.

"Oh hello nice to meet you! I'm Felix and that's Jisung." Felix greeted her politely

"Sorry I don't want to get into your personal business or anything but I have to are you know...a thing?"

"WHAT? ME AND HIM? NONONO BWHAHAHDH. I have a boyfriend who I DEARLY love yaha." The Hufflepuff laughed akwardly. Jisung looked somewhat confused.

"Oh that case I would like to ask Jisung something. I just came here because I wanted to ask you...if you have no date for the Ball...maybe...we could go together...I UNDERSTAND IF YOU CANT-" Lisa got interrupted

"No, I would really like that!" Jisung smiled at her. Felix's eyes widened at the response

"Oh that's great um...see you there!" Lisa said goodbye to the boys and went back to her friends.

"DUDE WHAT-" Felix almost shouted

"I know what you're gonna say-" Jisung tried to explain himself


"Hello babe, hey Sung" Changbin greeted the boys, giving a peck to his boyfriend who didn't responded the slightest "What's happening here?" Changbin asked curiously


"Thanks man..." Jisung said sarcastically

"So as I was saying-" Felix got interrupted for one for time

"Hello guys!" Seungmin and Hyunjin sat down with the boys at the table. Felix gave them both a death glance " Hello to you too Lix" Seungmin completed

"SO...DO YOU WANNA KNOW-" Felix continued

"Heyo-" Chan and Jeongin approached the group

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD-" The younger Hufflepuff sighed, his head falling to the table dramatically

"What's up with him?" Jeongin asked his hyungs quite confused about what's happening

"Well...apparently Jisung is going to the Ball with a random girl just to forget about his feelings for Minho..." Changbin casually explained. Jisungs eyes widened, trying to hide behind his hands and embarrassingly covering his eyes.

"Sung don't feel bad, we already knew about the feelings part." Seungmin tried to comfort the younger

"You do?" Jisung opened his eyes

"Duh! It's not hard to figure out, babe just because we don't say anything doesn't mean we're dumb or something" Seungmin continued "Well he's an exception..." he pointed at Hyunjin

"Yahh puppy!" Hyunjin complained

"Sorry it was so tempting that-" He didnt even got to finish his sentence as he found a pair of lips pecking him. Seungmins eyes immediately widened and his cheeks started burning. Their friends started at the scene confused, not surprised though. Basically, they were kind of shocked.

"Okay let's get to the topic!" Felix broke the akward silence getting everyone's attention

"What about those two? Aren't we gonna question this at all?" Chan asked pointing to the two boys.

"Do you really think they weren't going to get together at some point? I mean look at them. Hyunjin was struggling not to do this since ever. Their turn will come after don't ya worry!" Felix made a pause cleaning his throat "Now Sung...please tell me that you're not going to do this... I mean think about Lisa. What if she catch feelings for you eventually? And you are not interested in her right? Youre going to have to reject her at some point. It's not fair to her..."

"I know but it's not like something is gonna happen with Minho. Plus they're feelings...they'll go away sometime. And Lisa seems nice...rejecting her? I don't know.. " Jisung stated

"Okay...I understand. Think about it please, so noone will get hurt at the end." Felix finished

"Hm I will..."

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