Chapter 45

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"Are you sure that's the right neighborhood?" Hyunjin asked Chan while being attacked to Changbin's arm and holding up for dear life.

Chan turned his head to face him "Yes, we literally sended Tawny here. But what's up with you? Why are you being dizzy? It's not your first time teleporting like this." His eyes concerned

"He's probably pregnant." Felix joked

"Funny" Hyunjin rolled his eyes "It's nothing don't worry Hyung. I'll just ask for some water when we get at Jisung's hou-"

"Did you slept like at all since yesterday?" Chan sighed

"Felix was getting nightmares all night and I had to wake him up and hug him and bringing him water..."

Felix's eyes widened "You didn't got any sleep because of me?! I'm so sorry Jin I-"

"IT'S OKAY LIX!" Hyunjin left Changbin's arm and hugged the younger Hufflepuff tightly. It was hurting Felix's heart that Hyunjin thought of him first and didn't slept at all to reassure that he won't get any more nightmares.

"Guys isn't this his house?" Chan asked feeling kind of bad for ruining their moment, pointing at a blue house with a swing on the yard

Felix hummed in response and since he was the only one who knew Jisung's mum he went first. He rang the bell and waited for someone to answer.

A few seconds later the boys started hearing a few faint steps coming from the inside of the house and the sound was getting louder every second, meaning someone was coming to open the door.

Jisung's mum opened the door. But not completely, she took a moments to recognize Felix and observe the other boys who were with him. Her smile wasn't this bright and shiny one Felix had been used in seeing whenever he was visiting Jisung's house.

"LIXIEEEE!" The woman rushed in and hugged Felix leaving the other looking rather awkwardly not knowing what to do next.
"Hello to you too!" She greeted the rest of the boys as well. "Are you Jisung's friends?"

"Oh yes, yes we are. Hello I am Chan, this is Hyunjin and that's Changbin." Chan introduced

"We are pleased to meet you!" Changbin shook her hand

"Me too son."

"Auntie?" Felix made a pause "Is Jisungie here?"

Mrs. Han got all serious at the hearing of the question "Yes he is Felix." The boys got all excited when they heard that but Felix looked at the lady suspiciously since she was way too plain about her answer

"Is everything okay? Did something happen?" Felix got closer and held her hand

"I don't think so... Please come in. I'll explain everything to you" The woman suggested and the four boys got into the house. She guided to the couch and after they were all seated continued what she had started.

"Okay...firstly he came in here with a boy, I supposed he was his boyfriend, his name was Minho I think" she stopped and took a breath, the boys were looking at her worryingly "And then they got a letter from an owl and told me they had to leave immediately, Minho was crying a lot from what I was hearing, I wasn't there at that moment. So after that they left and promised me we will reunite again soon. I was doing laundry at that time when I heard the bell ringing, my husband is at a work trip and Jisungie had just left. I was not waiting for someone. I went by the door I opened it revealing my baby crying, his cheeks were wet and his eyes were reddish. I got worried and started asking him what happened but he wouldn't tell me. He just went up to his room and he's there since then. I think he finally fell asleep an hour ago though. I suppose something related to this boy, Minho, happened"

'No. It can't be...' Changbin thought to himself.


Jisung woke up stiff. What happened before he fell asleep was feeling like a fever dream, everything was blurry and unclear, he couldn't remember all the details. The only thing he could clearly remember was tears, a lot of tears.

He looked around dazed, realizing that he was in his bed, at his house in London, he came there after...Minho... 'Fuck!'

Suddenly memories came flashing through his head. The young boy decided that in his state, a good choice of actions would have been to go downstairs, drink a glass of water and try to think of everything that happened, logically find a solution and decide what to do next.

The Ravenclaw got up from his bed, opened the door and made his way downstairs. He was surprised as he was hearing voices coming from the living room. He walked down the stairs and the voices were getting louder and as he was getting near the living room.

'Channie-hyung, Hyunjin, Felix, Bin-hyung. There's no way. I'm hallucinating!'

"OH Jisungie!" His mum pointed out the dazed boy on the stairs who was trying to observe the situation

"SUNG!" Changbin shouted out loud waking up a sleeping Hyunjin in his lap, running to the boy and Felix following.

The blonde was kind of confused at the moment but he was thankful his friends were there, in his embrace. Soon Chan and a sleepy Hyunjin joined them as well. When they pulled out from the hug Chan asked what happened with Minho but Jisung didn't answered, he hummed and guided them into his room. His room wasn't too small nor too big, it was painted in blue colour with some red details and the place was kind of dark since the shutters were closed. They made themselves comfortable in Jisung's room sitting either in Jisung's bed or the carpet. They were waiting for an explanation about Minho and that what they were going to get.

"Long story short as you can see Minho is not there..." Jisung started. "When we got Felix's message Minho was totally wrecked, I was as well but not as much as him, the situation was hit hard where it hurted. So even if Felix was telling us not to, eventually we decided to come find you guys and join you. But when we did we saw a protective shield so we landed, not knowing what to do" The blonde took a deep breath, Felix held his hand to make him feel better "I turned around and the next thing I knew was that Minho was gone, someone had taken him and they teleported together. This is one of the times when I felt the most lonely and afraid...i-" a tear started falling to his soft cheeks "I felt miserable..." Felix couldn't stand his best friend crying and hugged him tightly, caressing his back in circled movements.

"Kento did this...he's at the dark castle!"


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