Chapter 61

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Losing people is an natural part everyone will have experience at least once in the lifetime. But even through it's natural, it's never delightful.
Some people are lucky enough to be able to say goodbye, and it's hard. It's hard to accept it even though it's inevitable.
But the truth is that, this part, is not the most difficult.
Learning how to live without them hurts a thousand times more. Every little thing can remind you of them, little habits and situations you once ignored but through the time changes, you now seem to cherish.
Now that they're gone you see how those little moments are more precious than you ever thought they would be. Every glance and every touch you shared together.

Jisung was feeling empty. A part of his heart had disappeared, forever. This loneliness was eating him, this overwhelming sense of solitude which was plunging him into an immence darkness. He felt like he was left behind in a huge world. But even if it was that huge, he could never have one thing he wished for more than anything. Him again...

The Ravenclaw boy has sitting on the cold floor, with a sorrowful feeling on his heart. Someone was hugging him by his waist. But he was too out of it to actually identify them.

For the first time in his life he felt a desire that huge for... revenge, actual revenge. Revenge actually has the capacity to trigger both positive and negative emotions. But there was a strong possibility that instead of forgiving or letting go of his boyfriend's death, he would tend to feel worse in the long run. But nevertheless in his head, it seemed like an one-way road.

The young boy got up, his vision kind of blurry from crying that much. But not blurry enough so he wouldn't see what's infront of him.


The young boy didn't knew where he was pointing at when those words left his mouth.

He made a try to blink his tears away. A constant pounding in his head eventually made him lose his balance and fall down to the floor, sitting to his knees with his arms hanging on his sides. Everything was sounding afar and unclear like there was cotton embedded to his ears. Such a weird feeling.

His vision currently was being more blurry than before, no matter how many times he blinked this fog away, it couldn't go. Unable to clear his mind, he stand up, he took some deep and slow breaths trying to calm himself down. Unsure if it was actually working. He was feeling like the air in the room was getting less and less every passing second. He couldn't think of anything or anyone, it was like he was floating alone in the space. In due course, a dizzy spell hitted him making him lean to his side.

He was sure he wasn't laying down to the ground though, somebody must have had catched him and placed him to their lap. He was too out of it and light-headed to actually single out who it was. Probably the same person who was back hugging him a minute ago. The last thing he heard was a scream from distant. But now I mentioned it, as he focused on it, the whole Great Hall was noisy and harsh sounding. And out of all he could perceive somebody calling his name in a worried tone.

But after that, for some reason black spots started appearing through his already blurry vision and it seemed like they were getting increased quickly until he closed his eyes and everything ultimately went black.


"Sung?" Jisung heard a voice calling him faintly. His head was painfully pounding and he was feeling uncomfortably cold, he was pretty sure he couldn't control his shakes.

"Jisungie?" The person speeched once again. What was happening? He's being woken up? Why? When did he fell asleep to begin with...

The Ravenclaw slowly tried to open his eyes, closing them immediately after he realized how bright the room was. He groaned in response to whoever was speaking a few seconds ago.

"Sung...are you awake?" The person asked. The next thing he knew is a hand was brushing his hair softly and right after it got placed on his forehead. The cold fingers felt soothing against his skin.

Eventually he opened his eyes, blinking quickly trying to get used to the bright atmosphere. It took a few seconds for the young boy to comprehend who he was, where he was and who was the person infront of him.

"Seungmin?" He sleepily mumbled recognizing his friend. He looked around for a moment, he was lying on his bed at his dorm.

"Finally you're awake..." The brunette let out a sigh "How are you feeling?" He placed his hand on Jisung's cheek caressing it softly with his thumb.

"My head hurts, I'm cold and really really tired..." He made a move to sit.
'What happened?' The boy thought but after focusing  the memories started replaying on his mind. He was at the Great Hall...Minho was there with him...and Kento...NO IT CAN'T BE TRUE- FUCK NO!
"WHERE IS MINHO?" He screamed out loud, tears started falling through his eyes to his cheeks...

Seungmin broke the eye contact... "I'm sorry-"

"NO IT CAN'T BE!" He trembled "He is downstairs! He's waiting for me! SEUNGMIN LET ME GO! I NEED TO GO! HE IS ALONE! HE NEEDS ME!" He cried harder. The slightly younger was holding him down by his shoulders. It hurted watching the boy breaking down like this...
"MINNIE WHY ARE YOU CRYING? Let's go join them!" He deliriously letted out

"HAN JISUNG!" The brunette shouted "Please..." He broke down to the floor.

"W-what do you m-mean?" His eyes widened, red from crying

"Minho is gone..." The boy whispered, biting his lip.

And that's when he experienced it...his whole world was suddenly crushed. Waves of intense and very harsh emotions... despair... shock... regret... guilt... emptiness...

"His brother cursed you and he got to the front protecting you..." He made a pause "After he left you seemed really weird and eventually you passed out on Chan's arms. But used the killing curse. That was the beginning..."

Jisung looked at the younger worryingly "The beginning of what?"

"The real war!"

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