Chapter 7

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The night had spread it's veils to Hogwarts. Jisung was finally at his common room and alreadt settled down on his bed, Seungmin had already fall asleep peacefully but unfortunately he couldn't sleep. His mind was too busy thinking about today's afternoon.

'Minho was too generous and sweet today..' he thought
'And he even held my hand...TWICE' His face started heating up again in no time at the though of the older

"Can't sleep?"

A voice beside him spoke up, filling the silence. He turned around and glanced at Mingi who was sitting at his bed wide awake like himself.

"Yeah..." Jisung answered him

"Do you wanna go downstairs? I can make hot chocolate and we can hang out. Sounds nice enough?"

They knew that if they were catch they would get scolded, but little did they care. Plus staying there silently and not sleeping sounded boring, it was a risk of waking up their roommates. Plus be could really use some company right now.

"Okay, let's go but we better be quiet."

They quietly got up, heading downstairs. For a fact, when the lights were out, his common room was even more beautiful than when the sun was filling the room every mornings. He knew that the Ravenclaw common room was designed carefully and it was known as the most beautiful room in Hogwarts, such a shame some students will never get the chance to see it. The whole ceiling was covered with stars which were shining in the dark. But when the sun was up, you weren't even noticing they were there but at night the view was stunning, it was really calming and looked so...magical! The room had this smell of the ink from a new pen and books he really enjoyed.

"Why are we the only common room which has no fireplace? Plus it's built in an actual tower, like... noone though that we might be freezing up here? NOONE CARES ABOUT US!" Mingi complained as he was going to get some blankets, Jisung let out a laugh hearing the older, he had a point though.

"I swear they're making my job difficult, how am I supposed to heat this up?" Mingi looked around confused holding two cups filled with milk.

"Well...aren't you a wizard or what?" Jisung spoke the obvious sarcastically.

"Oh yes, you're right. You're pretty smart Jisung" Mingi said trying to figure out where he could heat the milk up without blowing this place out. 'Oh' he gasped taking a steel that was hanging around. He wasn't really sure what it was, it looked like a bowl. Hopefully this would work in some way.

"Let's hope for the best. Um... I recommend you going a bit farther. We don't know how wrong this could go and we don't wanna have any victims. Okay? Okay."

Jisung distanced himself hiding behind a couch. It wasn't that he didn't trust Mingi...OKAY HE DIDN'T. The older was known for almost blowing up Mr. Flitwicks class trying to learn the simplest spell, if it wasn't for that Yunho guy noone knows what could have happened.


Jisung couldn't help but close his eyes while Mingi was saying those words. At this point he was holding to the couch for dear life.

"Jisungie I did ittt"

Jisung sighed congratulating Mingi. He went closer to the older and they both climbed up on the couch with their soft blankets. He thanked Mingi for the drink and they soon started drinking their hot chocolate. He liked how cozy they were even if it was kind of cold.

"So Jisung...I wanted to ask you something." Mingi spoke up

"Hm? Say it."

"You know...I've heard about the incident at the corridors. About those dumbasses who did a spell to you and you stayed at the hospital wing for almost a week... Students are saying they used one of the forbidden curses. They will ve punished so bad if they did. it true?" His eyes widened while waiting for an answer

"Yes they did. They used Crucio apparently. Not a nice experience"
Jisung said not thinking that telling Mingi could have consequences. He knew that if Mingi was opening his mouth to the wrong people this could happen again but he didn't wanted to start their friendship with hiding the truth. But on the other hand recalling those moments make him anxious for some reason.

"Are you okay? You know we might not know each other much, but you're a pretty sincere guy and I really like you. I hope they pay for what they did!" He made a pause "But now seriously if you want someday someone to rely on or just talk to, I'm here."

Jisung was so touched from Mingi's words.
"That's so sweet of you. I will I promise."

They stayed silent for a minute just smiling. The silence wasn't akward though, it was warm and comfortable. They were kind of enjoying each other's company. But this silence didn't last enough as a voice catch them out of guard, surprising them.

"What are you doing here?" A soft voice asked and they both turned their heads around to see who it was. It was their prefect, Lia.

"Guys..." Lia let out a sigh

"If you were caught by Mr. Flitwick he would have taken away our house points. Some Ravenclaws work hard for this! Sorry if I came up kind of harsh but you need to go back to your room"

"We will, sorry! This won't happen again."

The two boys said going back to their rooms. Jisung was kind of embarrassed by the fact they were caught and he was thinking about this as they were walking up the stairs.

When they entered the room Jisung saw Seungmin sleeping so peacefully to the bed next to his and couldn't help but think that the younger was adorable. He always had a soft spot for the boy, mainly because they were friends since their first year and Seungmin along with Felix was there at his very first moments at Hogwarts, all of his precious memories started there. And Felix and Seungmin were always part of them. He went closer to the brunettes bed placing a kiss on his forehead before saying goodnight to Mingi and lying as well.

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