Chapter 38

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After some minutes the groups had calmed down. Felix, Seungmin and Hyunjin had stopped crying and they were just cuddling each other. Felix was resting his head on Changbin's shoulder who was holding him close by his waist not letting him go for a second.

On the other hand Minho didn't do anything to get closer to Jisung. He was feeling guilty he was the reason all of this had happened and their friends got worried and cried. Jisung though didn't thought like that. He approached the older who was looking lost into his thoughts and took the change to give him a peck on the cheek trying to reassure him that everything is fine and he wasn't the one to blame for anything. The action thought left Minho surprised and the people around them as well.

Jisung didn't payed much attention and just brushed it off knowing he had to deal with that later "Lix...How did you knew? We didn't told anyone about this and nobody saw us!"

"It's a secret..."

Jisungs eyes widened "You're not being honest with me..." He felt bad, like his friend wasn't trusting him with the truth. It was kind of hurting...

"Okay I will tell you Sungie..." The young Hufflepuff took a deep breath before continuing "All of us have a secret and believe me I really know that. Jeongins secret was the fact Dumbledore was his grandfather but he didn't wanted to say anything because the others might have felt like he wasn't qualified enough to be here and it was just because he was related to the headmaster..."


Seungmin turned his head making eye contact with Felix who just by looking at him felt that he knew what he was hiding by what Jeongin said "You...are...a legilimen! Aren't you?"

'A legilimen? OH! That's does makes sense' Legiments are people who have practiced on using magic to enter another person's mind. Or in some rare cases this skill is something you're born with. Nobody has ever master it other than Severus Snape to start with.

"I wanted it to have more suspense but I guess you're right" Felix joked "I suppose I have to explain myself don't I?"

They all nodded a yes in widen eyes, being rather shocked

"Okay here's the deal...soo I really am a legilimen that, for the children who don't study, means that I'm able to pick up the thoughts and feelings of everyone around me."

"So you know what we're feeling and thinking AT EVERY MOMENT?!" Jeongin shouted

The young Hufflepuff sighed "No that would have been exhausting." Felix made a pause sitting back to Changbin's lap "Actually to be one hundred percent honest some years ago this was the case for me...but somehow with Professor Flitwick's help while growing up I learned how to block it and use it whenever I felt like it. You know feeling people thoughts and senses means that you get to know every sick comment they make for you, their deepest and darkest's actually impossible to not get affected by it..."

The boys didn't knew what to say for once more. All of those years they thought they knew all of each others secrets. They grew up together...everyone got a secret don't you all think?

"And I suppose he knew?" Chan asked pointing on Changbin who was way too calm to know that their friend is actually one of the very few people in the whole history of magic that had this gift...or curse...or both...

Felix nodded.


The boys all turned their head around to face the owner of this voice that was calling Jisung

"Mingi? What's up?" The boy questioned as he saw his dormmate breathing heavily after the run he supposed the young Ravenclaw had done in order to find Jisung.

"It's Dumbledore-" He took a breath and continued "he wants you to his office NOW!"

'Fuck- Me? Dumbledore? There's no way he learned about it. How? Jeongin was here the whole time. There weren't any ghosts around as we could see and the Great Hall wasn't crowded at all the time Felix mentioned the rule I had broken and the dementor what's that about..."

"Bye guys!" The young boy greeted

"Good luck!" Jeongin joked "If something goes off start running I will handle him later"

Jisung laughed waving goodbye to his friends and...Minho. Minho gave a slight smile at Jisung at locked their eyes for a few hot seconds.


Jisung after a few moments of walking around the castle finally reached Dumbledores office. The door that was supposed to lead you to his office was a circular, moving stone staircase, which was concealed by a gargoyle on the seventh floor. And the surprising thing is that the boy actually had never went there. He had heard some rumors about it. Without losing any more minutes Jisung went close to the gargoyle and standed there. It wasn't even second later that the statue started moving revealing some stairs that were going upwards till he reached Dumbledore's office.

The inside it was a lot more beautiful that we imagined. It was a large circular room with many windows and many portraits of old Headmasters and Headmistresses. Dumbledore was sitting on his desk and right behind him there was hanging a portait that was showing the current Headmaster. The young boy slowly and shyly got close to the desk and bowed a little bit to the Dumbledore who was looking at him up and down.

"Han Jisung, you can sit down." Dumbledore spoke up and pointed to a chair infront of his desk for Jisung to sit in

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