Chapter 58

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It was almost midnight...

The professors and the volunteers who had agreed on leaving the room of requirement risking their well-being had splited into groups of two. With the prerequisite that 5th year students would have to be accompanied by an older student or a teacher to ensure their safety.

And as it was expected Minho was the one who would be Jisung and Chan decided to take over Hyunjin.

The weird thing was that Minho wasn't just roaming around at the castle but seemed to have an exact destination. The older boy was visibly tense, he wasn't even talking to Jisung, just walking silently, leading his boyfriend somewhere...
The older boy just had requested the younger to stay close and never leave his side for any reason. But Jisung was thinking that even if he was magically disappearing, it would take a while for Minho to realize due to how abstract he was at the moment.

"Minho?" The Ravenclaw called out

No response...

"MINHO?" He tried again louder

He got no response once more...

'Unbelievable...' He reached out to grab the olders wrist, forcing him to turn around facing the boy with curiosity

"What happened Sungie?" He spoke up, eyes widened a little bit

"First of all are you okay? You seem tense. I called your name two times already you didn't even notice!" He said. Minho didn't answered verbally, he just nodded, forcing a sympathetic grin. Not convincing Jisung a bit. "And secondly...where are you going? It's the third floor. We shouldn't be here it's forbidden..."

Minho glanced down smiling a bit before looking back at Jisung "That's exactly why I'm heading there... Stay close! don't let anything catch your eye. Just ignore it! Okay Sung?" He caressed the youngers cheek with his thumb.

"Okay..." He leaned into his boyfriends touch


They soon entered a door that was leading them to the third floor. The atmosphere inside the hall was cold and dark. There were a few small windows allowing a few rays of moonlight brighting the place a little bit. A sudden cool wind made Jisung hug his arms trying to gather some heat. It was kind of scary he had to admit, getting closer to his safe place...Minho. The older sensed that his boyfriend was feeling uncomfortable and reached out to hold Jisung's hand, reassuring him that everything will be fine...

"Well well...welcome..." A male voice filled the hall up making an echo that continued to resonate in their ears.

'FUCK FUCK FUCK THAT WAS THE JOB HE HAD TO TAKE CARE OF?!' Jisung's eyes widened and his pupils trembled

Minho chuckled sarcastically "Impressive!" He clapped his hands three time "You've been a coward your whole life, nothing new... But just have a little self-respect to face me after everything you've done! Come out! Or you are that pathetic?" He stated loudly and clearly

After a few seconds they saw a tall figure coming out of the shadows, his hair was dark so were his clothes. He was a pretty charming man indeed. Good-looks were apparently a family trait...
His expression was immoral and he was wearing a teasing grin...
It gave the impression that those eyes were heartless and callous. Unable to feel regret and unable to love...

"Hello bro! That wasn't really polite don't you think?" He started moving closer to the couple.

Jisung was clearly frightened. But as soon as the Slytherin realized that, he made a step and standed infront of him, holding his hand even tighter than before. Trying to create a secure atmosphere for the Ravenclaw. Knowing that his brother might be insensitive as hell but he wouldn't dare to hurt his family.

"And I suppose this mudblood blonde is your little bitch, ain't he?" Kento asked, forcing a laugh right after

"SHUT THIS FUCKING DENSE MOUTH OF YOURS UP!" Minho yelled at him raising his wand at once, pointing clearly at his brother. Jisung squished his hand on order to calm him down mumbling 'It's not worth it!'

"Listen to him Minho!" He letted out a psychotic laugh

The Slytherin breathed out slowly trying to calm down "Tell your people to leave Hogwarts at once!"

"I could... But why would I?" He chuckled once again


"Well...everyone knew from the start that sacrifices had to happen so you'll get the message...WE HAVE THE POWER! WE RULE YOU ALL! YOU LIVE BECAUSE WE LET YOU LIVE! YOU BREATH BECAUSE WE LET YOU BREATH! The people who died were nothing else than some stupid faggots..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IGNORANT INSENSITIVE ASSHOLE!" Jisung screamed with tears in his eyes. Waking forward pointing his wand on Kentos neck, pushing him against the wall.


Jisung cracked a smile "TRY ME!"

"Hm? This boyfriend of yours is kind of feisty!" He turned his head to face Minho who was standing speechless a few steps away "See you at the Great Hall brother...let's bet on who's going to get there first!"

And after these words he disappeared, leaving a brown dust behind him...

Minho rushed into Jisung, tears falling to his cheeks making his face wet. Jisung embraced him by the waist, hands caressing his back...

"I'm sorry..." The brunette sobbed, breaking down to the floor. Jisung went down with him unable to lift the sudden weight and let him bury his face into his chest.

"You have nothing to be sorry about..." He cupped Minho's cheeks as they made eye contact, wiping the tears away from his boyfriends face
"Let's go...Great Hall it is. Let's end all of this!"

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