Chapter 4

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He had studied about it. The most painful spell, one of the three unforgivable curses, the torture spell. When he heard those words Jisung froze on the spot once again, he had never seen someone using this in real life, actually it was illegal to do so. He also knew it was a difficult spell to cast but if someone succeeded in casting it the other would be suffering with an unbelievable amount of pain. Such a luck.

And that's when he experienced it. His whole body started to hurt immediately, the pain was a lot more intense than he could ever imagine. He even couldn't spot a part of his body that wasn't in pain. The boy grinned as he fell into his knees being unable to stand for a longer amount of time.

His vision had blurred or thats what he was feeling at least, his mind felt stuffed and he couldn't think clearly. Suddenly he heard a voice, it's probably a delusion, he though and didn't gave it much attention.


Not luckily enough for the other boys, Minho was there. He found Jisung almost unconscious. His eyes were closed and his was holding his arms with his hands as he was laying to the floor. They looked at Minho getting angry, he was way too angry, at this point he was scared by the things he could do. He knew all the spells, he was an excellent wizard and could cast every single spell in existence perfectly. His anger made his mind stop thinking logically and he quickly grabbed his wand pointing on them.

The youngers started panicking hiding themselves behind the other. Minhos tone was too scary itself and knowing what he could do to them, made them even more scared that they stopped pointing their wand at Jisung, ended the spell almost immediately and letted Jisung free. Minho still wanted to take revenge, but Chan was quick enough to hold him back and grab his wand throwing it away from him. Mumbling to him 'give it a rest man they're not worth it' knowing that his friend wasn't thinking clearly.

"Han Jisung, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Jisung heard someone speaking, he opened his eyes and he observed Changbin holding him, trying to get him back to his senses.

He also saw the boys running away from there while Chan was holding Minho back from doing anything that he would regret in the near future. Minho managed to calm himself down a little bit before rushing to Jisung.

"Jisungie, are you with us? What did they did to you? Can you talk to me? Hannie baby you okay?" He bombarded him with questions

Changbin said all smirking looking to the boys who were almost hugging.
"It's really not the right time mate. We're gonna ask him about it later anyways." Chan said cracking a small smile too, both getting death glances from Minho.

'Ba-baby? That was new' Jisung though, if it wasn't for his whole body hurting he would have overreacted to this but he didn't due to how he was feeling. He barely had any energy left on his body. The younger opened his eyes meeting a worried looking Minho.

"Yahhh don't be so loud jeez I'm fine, or I'll be. Don't worry too much dumbie."

Minho smiled, he lifted him up and helped him go to the hospital wing, his arm around Jisungs shoulders.

Some days passed with Jisung resting at the hospital wing mostly sleeping for three days straight but other than that, the fourth day he was feeling surprisingly a lot better, he was still tired but not something he couldn't handle, so Madam Pomfrey letted him go back to his dorm provided that he will rest even more there.

Today was quidditch finals. The whole Hogwarts was decorated with banners, flags, ribbons and in conclusion the mood at Hogwarts was really jolly. All the students were gathering in the stadium those past few days for the games that were happening every year.

Due to his health he wasn't able to go to the previous ones that had taken part a few days ago but he couldn't miss the finals. Plus one of his best friends Hyunjin would have been there being a seeker for Hufflepuff so he had to go. Hufflepuff versus Slytherin, he might see Minho there as well he though, not like it would mind him if he wasn't there, he just wanted to thank him right? or maybe he indeed missed him, just a tiny bit.

There he met Felix who was with his boyfriend Changbin as usual and like they were always doing, they were holding hands. He was jealous of them but not in the bad way, he admired what those two had. Seungmin, Jeongin and Jisung headed up to the stands to watch the game starting.

When they reached the top of the stand, they saw a small but crowded group of students gathered there, they were all shouting and screaming cheery, wearing Slytherin or Hufflepuff scarfs and face make up in corresponding colors. It was something he always liked to participate in even if he's not the type of person who likes being around too many people.

"Hello squirrel." A voice suddenly spoke next to him

"Minho what- hey" He panicked

He surely scared Jisung but he hasn't seen him in days so he was just happy with the fact that they were finally seeing each other again.

"Mind if I stay?"

"No, not at all. Right guys?"

Seungmin and Jeongin had a visible smirk on their faces Jisung was noticing but he chose ignored it once again, he had no time to deal with those kids, he will take good care of them later.

The game started.

They saw the players coming out and one of them was obviously Hyunjin. Jisung screamed trying to encourage his friend as loudly as he could. Hyunjin probably didn't heard him as the stadium was too loud and he was wearing a helmet, he only saw Hyunjin winking to Seungmin's direction, it's probably just a coincidence, this behavior confused the boy and he turned his head on the other direction and due to his surprise or maybe not so surprise he met a red looking Seungmin. What happened to him? Why did Hyunjin...OH 

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