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Name: FIrst middle last, age, relationship status, sibling(s), parents. Biological or not, dyes hair or not. Race. Prounouns.

Florella: Florella May Wakatashi-Izumi, 18-years-old, dating TJ, sister to Julieta, daughter to Mãnye and Izzy. Biological, doesn't dye hair. Japanese. Gender fluid

Julieta: Julieta Orchid Wakatashi-Izumi, 16-years-old, dating Reeta, sibling to Florella, child to Mãnye and Izzy

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Julieta: Julieta Orchid Wakatashi-Izumi, 16-years-old, dating Reeta, sibling to Florella, child to Mãnye and Izzy. Biological, doesn't dye hair. Japanese. They/her

TJ: Takeru James Takaishi Junior, 18-years-old, dating Florella, brother to Reeta, son to TK and Kari

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TJ: Takeru James Takaishi Junior, 18-years-old, dating Florella, brother to Reeta, son to TK and Kari. Surrogate was needed, only able to have Takeru's DNA, and doesn't dye hair. Native American. He/him

Reeta: Reeta Artemis Takaishi, 17-years-old, dating Julieta, sister to TJ, daughter to TK and Kari

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Reeta: Reeta Artemis Takaishi, 17-years-old, dating Julieta, sister to TJ, daughter to TK and Kari. Surrogate was needed, only able to have Kari's DNA, and doesn't dye hair. Native American. She/her


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