Episode 5

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Song: Blood // Water

(3rd Person POV)

The 9 kids met up again and destroyed Leomon's black gears. He told them about a prophecy that says they'll save the island. The kids go straight to Infinity Mountain, the large mountain in the center of the island, to face Devimon.

 All the Digimon digivolve, except Salamon and Patamon, but Devimon defeats them. Mãnye was protecting Tk. 

Devimon became giant and reached down to grab them but Patamon pushed Tk out of the way. Devimon opened his hand and flicked Mãnye down. Mãnye landed on her feet, Devimon decided to squish Patamon.

 As Devimon tried Patamon finally digivolved to Angemon. Angemon defeated Devimon at the cost of his own life. Luckily he came back as a digiegg which Tk guarded ferociously.

(Tk's POV)

I didn't want to lose him again so I held the digiegg close. 

We were told by an otherworldly being who seemed angry at Mãnye that we had to go to the continent to be able to go home. He also said we'd have to stop to get something called tags. I really want to see my mom. I miss her it's been a few weeks.  

We took the wooden raft and Mãnye and Izzy guided us from File island to the continent of Server. I had to catch Poyomon a couple times but other than that we were sailing smoothly. 

Unfortunately, we got swallowed by a Whamon about a fourth of the way. We got out but our raft was broken so he gave us a ride to the tags. Of course, they were underwater so we had to go into his mouth. 

We got down and Poyomon found the tags. We each grabbed one.  Mãnye looked down at it a little confused kinda like she should know it but couldn't remember.

   (Mãnye's POV)  

My head started to hurt the more I thought about where I'd seen this before. My only thought was, "Gennai" I had no idea where it came from but I didn't like it. I just hope that everyone else is OK.

 I walked over to Salamon. She was upset because she couldn't digivolve. 

I picked her up and said, "Hey it's OK, you'll digivolve soon."

I knew that she saw I was having problems with something but she thankfully didn't ask any questions. I hugged her and put her back down. I stepped back and bumped into Izzy. I turned around and apologized. 

He smiled and said, "Its fine Mãnye." 

(Izzy's POV)

I saw that Mãnye was having problems with something so I asked her, "What's wrong?"

 She almost ignored the question, which is weird for her but answered, "I just have a headache. Yeah." 

I was skeptical but if she didn't want to tell me anything that was fine. I walked outside and she followed. 

She had seemed mad at me since she and Luna split from the group and I didn't know why so I asked, "Are you mad at me?"

She seemed shocked and said, "Mad? Well, maybe a little." 

I turned to her and said, "Why?" 

She actually laughed a little at this and said, "Boys will never understand. I left and the only one who followed was Luna and our Digimon partners. Did you even think about following?" 

I saw a tear roll down her face. "I-I wanted to but I didn't think you'd keep going," I said. 

"I wasn't going to! But you didn't follow! You always follow me! As soon as we got a mile away I sat down and cried.", she yelled at me. 

I asked, "Why'd you cry? I've never seen you cry until today." 

She sat down and said, "I didn't cry cause I had you. I-I like-" 

She was helped by Luna, "She likes you. She told me if she tried to tell you I had to finish for her because she knew she couldn't finish her sentence." 

 Mãnye looked up at Luna, "I-I was going to stop and wait to see if you'd come." 

"And she did, she stayed there until the island broke up. If she hadn't moved she would've fallen into the ocean. You never came, I got food with Eclipsomon and we brought it back and shared it with her.", Luna said. 

"I  tried but the others wouldn't let me. They said they couldn't lose another member." I defended myself.

This episode was a lot longer than normal. I just kept writing I'm hoping to put out a few more episodes today. Tomorrow might have fewer episodes coming out. I switched POV's a bunch and decided to land on Izzy. I'm going to skip Etemon completely. So we'll go straight to Myotismon.

Word count: 785

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