Episode 37

92 3 0

Song: Panic Room

(Ken's POV)

With her gone, there was no point to fight. I went to reactivate all the dark rings she deactivated and saw I couldn't access their code. My beauty, she can code even better than me, but unlike me, she can actually cover her tracks. I dug around but, couldn't find them. I will just recapture them.

(Yolei's POV)

Yesterday everyone came through the computer. Today they're taking me and Cody through. We found out that Cody also had one of the new digivices. They were still looking for the other carrier. I walked into the lab to see Mãnye alone crying into her hands. I walked over a put my hand on her shoulder. 

I'd heard from Kari what had happened. I didn't blame Mãnye she was very worried and afraid. Everyone else filtered in slowly. We went in and used the digivices to get to the digieggs of love and knowledge. I picked up love and Cody picked up knowledge. A hawk Digimon named Hawkmon came out of a hole below my digiegg. An armadillo Digimon named Armadillomon comes out of a hole under Cody's digiegg. They took us out of the temple. 

We got attacked by the Digimon Emperor. When he sees us he falters, they all turn to Mãnye but, I see that through his glasses his eyes are on me. He is very cute, I'm not sure why but, I thought I recognized him. Kari had told me I'd heard of him before, I could only think of Ken, but he was safely back in our world. I looked at  Mãnye and saw her eyes on me. Her eyes alight with happiness. 

"Yolei," she said, "You can help him. I can see it. Will you try?" 

I nodded unable to piece together the pieces. I felt 12 pairs of eyes on me but, only one was from in front of me. I walked straight to the bottom of the Digimon he was on. I looked up into his eyes that I could see through his glasses. I started climbing and heard wings. 


I knew he would save me if needed. I glanced up and saw him reaching a hand to me. I took it and felt something spark in my heart. 

I pulled myself up so I was level with him and said, "Ken?" 

He seemed shocked and said, "How do you know my name?" 

I shrugged saying, "I guessed." 

I realized I still had his hand but, didn't risk letting it go. For a moment I saw hatred in his eyes as he glanced past me. Quickly, I followed his gaze and it landed on Izzy. I moved his head so he was looking in my eyes and for some impulsive reason, I kissed him. I went to pull away but, stopped as he kissed me back. I sank into the kiss for a minute before we broke off for air and I remembered all the people watching. 

"Ken, I'm so-," he cut me off saying, "It's ok. I just think I should know your name." 

I mentally slapped myself and said, "My name is Yolei." 

I looked over my shoulder and realized the Digimon had been walking so no one had seen the kiss. 

Hawkmon flew down beside me and pulled my pant leg, "Yolei we should go. You have a curfew." 

I started to talk before he kissed me and said, "Come back to me tomorrow. I might have a reason to fight after all." 

I nodded and me and Hawkmon ran back towards the others. I glanced back many times even after they were gone. 

We showed up in time to see Mãnye kiss, Izzy. "Oooh! Someone's in love!", I said before going into the TV and landing on top of Davis. 

Hawkmon had come through but now there was a different Digimon was there. 

It said, "I was Hawkmon, now I'm Poromon."

Bye guys and have a great day.

Word Count: 666

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