Episode 68

26 3 1

Song: Sit Still, Look Pretty

(Monah's/Moda's POV)

"So, is anyone gonna ask the obvious questions?", I asked. 

The others looked at me quizzically. 

"Question 1, who was that voice? Question 2, who did this to us? Question 3, what is everyone's new names? Question 4, is this reversible? Question 5, what do we tell our parents?"

Milo said, "Wow, those are really good questions." 

Gender-bent Florella said, "Well, I'm pretty sure the answer to the first question was my helper." 

Gender-bent Kalie said, "Well, I'm Kaden, Florella is Flo, Monah is Moda, Cassy is Chase, Takeru Junior is Takara Junior, Anthony is Antonia, Julieta is Julian, David is Davíd, Reeta is Reetan, Winter is Winter, Yolei Junior is Ken Junior, Vivie is Ivan, Vierra is Vivian, Joe Junior is Josie Junior, Tony is Tina, and Melodee is Milo." 

Barely a moment later Julian said, "The answers to questions 4 and 2 deal with that Digimon from before."

I'm sorry this is so short, I will make sure to make the next one super long to make up for it, but I have major writer's block and I haven't been able to make anything good enough for you guys as of late.

Word Count: 203

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