Episode 12

143 3 34

Song: Not All Heroes Wear Capes

(Kari's POV)

I stood there watching as Myotismon stepped forward towards Agumon. I got scared and knew I should run but I didn't want to leave them alone. I looked at Tk and automatically knew I couldn't leave them. 

"Wait why don't I leave maybe I can help them by leaving.? No, you can't leave Tk. I could take him with me couldn't I?" 

I went to grab his hand but Gatomon stopped me. 

"If we leave then he might kill them all. Our best bet is to stay here. If you really want to keep Tk safer than yourself put him behind you but please don't run," she said to me. 

I reached out and pulled Tk behind me. 

"Kari? I have to be in front of you to protect you," he said to me. 

I simply stated, "Then don't" 

I couldn't see his face but I was sure he didn't agree with me. I squeezed his hand and stepped up to where he had been with Gatomon in front of me. I felt he tried to pull me back to where I had been. I shook off his hand and stepped over Gatomon. Now she was behind me with no way to get back in front of me. 

At the front of the line, I saw Myotismon hit Agumon out of the way. He stepped up to Tai and looked down. 

I pushed past Angemon and Biyomon. Sora actually stepped out of my way as if she knew what I wanted to do. Gatomon followed me right behind as I stepped past Sora. Matt looked back as I went to go past him and he kept looking until he spotted Tk. I looked back at him as well and he had just pushed past Biyomon. Matt moved out of my way towards Tk but instead stopped at Sora. I went past him and ducked under Weregarurumon's arm. Gatomon was still right behind me. I walked past Lilymon and Mimi. I stopped when I got to Joe. 

"Joe?", I asked as I looked at my feet. 

He looked back at me and said, "Kari? Weren't you just in the back?" 

I nodded and motioned toward going past him. He hesitantly allowed me past. I walked past him and over Gomamon. Myotismon swatted Tai away and I felt a tear fall down my face. I felt Gatomon's paw on my back. Luna ran forward at Myotismon and he hit her away. Eclispsomon went after her. I was staring right at Myotismon. He bent down and looked at me.

"Little girl, why did you go through your friends to get to me?" he said. 

I looked up at him and said, "You were hurting them and a lot of other innocent people." 

He laughed and went to grab my shoulder but Gatomon stepped in front of me. She clawed his arm and he took an instinctive step back.

(Mãnye's POV)

I shook my head and reached for my cheek because it was hurting badly. I felt it and immediately regretted touching it. I sat up and saw Izzy and Tentomon. Worried I looked to the line and unfortunately I saw that Kari and Gatomon had moved to the front and Myotismon was right in front of them. I motioned for Goddessmon to drop Demidevimon and Phantomon and she did. She went over to Myotismon and jumped in front of him. 

(Goddessmon looks a lot like Angewomon but with an extra set of wings and her metal mask only covers her eyes showing the rest of her face.) 

I got up and walked over to Goddessmon and stood behind her. I bent down to Kari and looked in her eyes. I went to speak but quickly shut my mouth again. Kari looked at me and then pushed in front of me and Gatomon. I turned around and saw her ducking under Goddessmon's wing. I grabbed her hand right before it disappeared and pulled her back. 

She looked at me and said, "You only got hurt because he wanted me. If he'd had me and I hadn't run you and Tai wouldn't have gotten hurt." 

I saw the tears dripping down her face. I looked around and saw Tai and Luna on the ground, Izzy was with Tentomon dealing with Demidevimon and Phantomon, behind us everyone was watching the exchange. 

I saw Kari glance back at one of them and I was confused. I tried to follow her gaze but they were in a clump. I motioned for her to go to them. She looked at me and started to walk towards them. Goddessmon was suddenly thrown back. I tried to catch her but I fell onto my behind. Kari turned around and Myotismon decided to go outside with Kari. Tai sat up and we saw Kari being levitated by Myotismon. Gatomon was hanging onto Kari and Wizardmon followed them outside. 

We had Lilymon break the glass and we all climbed out. All the fully digivolved Digimon were using their strongest attacks against Myotismon. Not a single one worked. Wizardmon threw Kari's crest to her and she caught it. Myotismon looked afraid that Kari had the crest. Myotismon fired his worst attack at Gatomon and Kari. I tried to run forward but Wizardmon got there first. 

He stood in front of them and the blast hit him instead. He turned into a ghost soon after. Kari and Gatomon were kneeling over him crying. Kari's crest started to glow causing Gatomon to digivolve to Angewomon. 

She was beautiful and looked a lot like Goddessmon. I walked forward as Myotismon tried to use his strongest attack against the 3 heavenly Digimon. Angewomon countered his attack and Myotismon's attack failed. All the Digimon other than Angewomon fired their strongest attacks into a circle of power I guess I would call it. Angewomon shot destroying Myotismon and Phantomon.

(3rd person POV)

Did our young heroes really defeat Myotismon or just banish him temporarily. His irking fog still hadn't lifted. Inside the building, the people wouldn't wake up. Joe found his brother and Izzy brought out his parents who he'd hidden via a digital barrier. Matt's dad came out and they all worked together to think over a plan.

I wanted to get the whole fight scene in where you know they finally kill Myotismon but it wouldn't all fit and I didn't want to go that high over 1,000.

Word count: 1,081

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