Episode 15

105 3 0

Song: 100 Bad Days

I'm gonna go Kari's POV so Mãnye will be silent. Remember Mãnye can't speak so she will either be silent or signing. Have fun bye guys and don't forget a smile.

(Kari's POV)

I saw the small Digimon and picked him up and when I took him to the others he jumped into Mimi's arms. He explained that he had lost his best friend when the dark masters took over the Digital World. We promised to save the digiworld. 

We started walking but we all the sudden started falling. We were suspended in the air a few times but then we officially landed in a Colosseum looking building. We had already met 3 Mega Digimon, Megaseadramon, Machienedramon, and Puppetmon. We saw a clown come out of from behind one of the pillars. He changed into a fourth Mega Digimon named Piedmon. As soon as Mãnye saw him she looked like she remembered something awful and shied back until she ran into a wall. 

He introduced the other 3 Mega Digimon and they said they were the dark masters. A tiny Digimon came out of nowhere the others seemed to recognize him in a good way. He put us in a tiny bubble that was invisible to the outside and sent us flying away from the dark masters. 

I hugged Gatomon as I heard an explosion behind us. Chuumon had saved Mimi and spared her life. We fled to the ocean and Megaseadramon attacked us. We were all thrown into the ocean but luckily we all got saved from death by Whamon. We fled to the bottom of the ocean. We went into an underwater chasm. They had me blow my whistle very loudly to use as echolocation. It worked and we fled through a cave right before Megaseadramon got to us. 

We made it to an island and we stayed there for a few minutes.  I heard bubbles and so did everyone else so Whamon kept going until we got to 'safety'. Magaseadramon found us and Whamon got hit. He passed away but Wargreymon got rid of Megaseadramon.  Mãnye and Mimi built graves for the Digimon we had lost today. I decided to help make Pixiemon's grave. 

We took a little while to get going but before we left we saw that the oceans had all disappeared. We stood in a forest and it wasn't a happy one if I might add. I guessed that we should go straight through and into the next area but someone else other than us tried to take us toward somewhere but we outsmarted him, whoever he was. We were in a tree so he couldn't see us. I hope nothing bad happens.

Thank you so much for reading this far and I hope you all have a beautiful day and always remember a smile. It came close enough to tomorrow so deal with it.

Word count: 488

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