Episode 36

108 3 0

Song: Redemption

I'm going to be in  Mãnye's mind for a moment.

(Mãnye's POV)

My mind was constantly warring with my heart. My mind had been taken over by the dark entity, I knew it in my heart. My heart was aching from almost hurting Kari today, my heart said stop, but my head said she hurt us. 

I can't get out, ever since me and 'my helper' merged she became a second brain I knew I could trust.  She was where my free will was, I was settled in her mind, thinking. I threw MY mind at the entity and struggled as my body screamed in agony that I wasn't feeling. I fought the dark entity down and got rid of it completely ridding myself from it. 

I walked to Ken's room, for my mind knew the place, and sat down in my chair. I winced remembering how I had told Kari that I wasn't me. 

Ken asked, "My empress what's wrong?" 

"Don't call me your empress!", I yelled at him. 

"Ah, you got out.", he said. 

I saw the fight in his eyes and through clenched teeth, he asked, "How? How can I be free?" 

"Get yourself a good entity already living in your mind before you're taken over. Sit in their mind as the dark entity uses your body and gather strength.", I said with a shrug, "Right Helper?"

Another part of my brain answered through my mouth, "Yep! Good job Mãnye!" 

I typed in a code and turned off as many dark rings as I had access to. "Bye Entity!" 

Ken's body waved at me and I added, "Also Ken, we're over!" 

I walked away and straight to a TV that took me to the computer lab in the school. As normal I landed on my feet, but when I looked around I felt horrible.

(Kari's POV)

We get back and get up and then suddenly Mãnye pops out of the computer. She lands on her feet, just like always, but when she looks up she seems guilty. 

She was looking straight at me and said, "I'm so sorry!" 

She sees Izzy and looks away, completely and utterly, ashamed. I walk over to her and hug her, she seems surprised but ultimately falls into the hug. I feel more arms wrap around us and look up seeing Tk, Izzy, and Tai. I see Yolei looking at us weirdly and Davis who looks just about ready to join. 

Yolei says, "Mãnye? The genius girl dating Ken? Crush on Izzy? Friends with Tk?" 

She nods saying, "Don't forget, the first and only prophet to both the digiworld and the real worlds, Digidestined, and Empress to the throne of the digiworld." 

I looked up at her and said, "Empress?" 

"Ah, yes, Ken is the 'Digimon Emporer' as he calls himself. As his girlfriend, at the time, I got the title 'Digimon Empress'. I won the fight against the dark entity considering this is my second interaction with it. I couldn't get Ken out." 

Yolei looked shocked and came over to hug her as well. Davis was last but he made his way into the hug as well.

That's it!!!!

Word Count: 532

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