Episode 72

26 3 7

Song: All Falls Down

(Anthony's POV)

I looked through the woods and heard Kalie say quietly, "Well, it's kinda ironic, but I need to worry about my best friend." 

I felt a twinge of jealousy, why was Tony getting all of Kalie's attention instead of me? Kalie hugged Tony, and then she started coughing. The bruises from Gendermon's hands weren't getting any better, they seemed to be getting worse. She kept coughing, and I was worried. I could tell Tony was worried as well. 

I ran over to her and put a hand on her back reassuringly. She managed to stop coughing and smiled at me, then she groaned and ran off to a bush to throw up. She came back holding her throat, a look of pain on her face. 

I turned to my big sister, and said, "Hey Win, don't you have pain reliever medicine in your bag?" 

She smiled and said, "Of course I do Ant." 

I rolled my eyes, I hated when she called me that. She slung her backpack off of her back, and opened it. She popped out a bottle of ibuprofen, then she pulled out just enough for Kalie. She handed it to her as well as a small canteen of water. Kalie took it graciously, she swallowed the pills down with the water. 

Then Kalie started to cough up blood. I felt my eyes well up with tears as Kalie fell to the ground. I put my hand on her back, and when she stopped coughing she buried her face in my chest. 

I pet her head and smiled small, as she mumbled, "Thank you, Anthony." I looked up and saw something flash through the trees. I could tell that Devimon, Greymon, and Veemon saw it. I gave them a nod, and Devimon flew over to the trees and easily picked up a small Digimon I'd never seen. 

The little guy was holding a small stone tablet. I politely asked Veemon to grab it for me. He obliged and handed it to me. Kalie was sitting in my lap, and I carefully blew the dust off of it. Kalie looked curiously at the top, which said, 'The Digi Prophecy 2'. 

I read off the words out loud, "The Magenta Life, Bane Of Death, Will Grace These Worlds Once Again. The Sacred One Whispers In Her Ear, Just As She Did For Her Predecessor. Her Hands Hold The Power To Revive The Light Of Hope Inside. 

The Son Of Hope Shows Himself, Only When The Magenta Life Calls For Him Again. He Is Known As Father's Clone. He Holds The Power To Guide The Red Knowledge And The Magenta Life Down Their Purple and White Marbled Path. 

The Red Knowledge Creates The Path For The Light of Hope, The Ice Of Courage, The Death Of Friendship And Courage, The Kindness Of Reliability, The Sincerity Of Knowledge and Reliability, The Darkness of Love, and The Sincerity And Love Of Friendship. 

The Light Of This World, Hidden Away In A Bow, Waiting To Be Released By The Brown Archer. She Is Invisible Under The Sun. She Always Shines In The Darkness. 

The Second Ice, The One No One Believes In. The One Who Stands Between Death And Courage And Knows Not What To Do. 

The Child Of Courage Waits Upon The Shore, They Pray For Their Love To Return. They Stand Strong With Death And Darkness Against Them. They Guide The Darkness Toward Love. 

Death Love Of Ice And Sister To Life, Stands Strong, Despite Her Years. She Is Decipherable

 By The Permanent Impression Of Hands At Her Throat. Sister Life Saved Her, From Her Own Childish Idiocy. 

The Mixture Of Friendship and Courage Stands Alone. Many Others Try To Help Him, But He Refuses. He Blames Himself For Her Loss. 

The True Kindness Inside Releases Itself, Only For The Truth Of Reliability. He Calls Across The Void To The Magenta Life, Even When She Should No Longer Be Able To Hear. She Never Misses His Message. 

The Truth Of Reliability Dies Alone, But Kindness Shall Be The Only Thing To Save Him. Not Even The Magenta Life Can Revive His Light. 

Sincerity Stands Apart From The Rest, Even Surrounded By The Lies Of Their Peers, They Stand Strong. 

The Cross Of Knowledge And Reliability Releases The Lie Of Love To Sincerity, Who Graciously Accepts It. They Care Not For The Truths And Lies Of Man. 

The Darkness Within Hides In The Lie Of Love's Embrace. 

The Lie Of Love Continues To Show Itself, To No One But The Darkness Within. However, It Infects Everyone Around It Even When It Is Alone. 

The Child Of Sincerity And Love Ignores IT. She Holds Solely Onto The False Belief Of Friendship. She Holds Nothing Else Dear To Her Heart. Except For Her Siblings, The True Kindness, And Death. 

The Everlasting Friendship Is The Only One Who Truly Understands What It Means To Sacrifice Everything You Have For The One You Love. The Everlasting Friendship Attempts To Greet Death And Leave With Him, But Is Always Stopped."

Wow, that's long. I've been working on that Prophecy for over a month. I hope you all enjoy. Also, little update on me, I rebroke my right wrist, so I'm having a hard time typing. I'm in constant pain, but I know you look forward to the new episodes, so I had to get it out. Take care of the digis, bai my children~.

Word Count: 916

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