Episode 32

89 3 0

Song: Shameless

(Tk's POV)

Did  Mãnye just tense up? Hmm, I wonder what the problem is. Oh yeah, that's just great now the very ground is disintegrating. We all fell and at first, I thought we were all screaming from fear but, then I realized that two voices sounded thrilled. I looked around as I was falling realizing there was no floor. 

 Mãnye and Luna had smiles on their faces as they fell. A moment of confusion swept over  Mãnye's face but then the thrilled smile returned. Suddenly we stopped, it reminded me of Puppetmon, I was getting kind of used to this so I 'swam' over to Kari. I looked over at Mãnye and caught her glancing at Izzy as if making sure he was still there. Then I caught her gaze fall upon something far off. I followed her gaze and gasped. 

A giant shape was on it's way to us moving semi-slowly. The shape got to us after forever and Angemon went in front of me. A figure came out of the top of the shape and started laughing. 

Mãnye said sarcastically. "I get it you're so smart. You got us to defeat four mega's just so you could test us to see how much we could defeat before coming to face us yourself."

 He went to say something but  Mãnye cut him off, "I get it we weren't strong enough at first and you wanted more of a challenge. Now please spare the metaphors." 

The figure said, "I'm Apoclymon." 

I saw hands come out of the shape he was on top of. They wrapped around all the Digimon cause they were like super gigantic. When the hands opened all the Digimon were back to Rookie forms. 

[Patamon, (Kari's) Gatomon, Salamon, Agumon, Palmon, Gomamon, Eclipsomon, Gabumon, Biyomon, and Tentomon.] 

I saw tinier hands come out and destroy everyone's crest except Mãnye's, she held the hands off on her own I think. I heard a scream and saw everyone's feet turning to tiny pieces.  Mãnye's was the highest as if it started on her first. Her eyes were blank staring out with a small frown on her face. With a gasp, I looked down and saw my feet were also disappearing slowly. 

I heard one thing from Mãnye as the changing speed up on her, "Digital." 

Then she disappeared. Everyone disappeared one by one until no one was left. I don't completely understand how but we were talking to each other. We started talking about how he destroyed our crests and I remembered Mãnye's didn't get destroyed. 

I said, " Mãnye what happened to your crest?" 

She responded with, "Oh you know it's still out there floating around my data." 

She said it so casually at first I didn't even worry about how we were pieces of information floating around.

Well, that is all for today I'm tired but I won't be able to sleep for a long time coming. Bye guys have a nice night.

Word Count: 500

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