Episode 46

90 3 0

Song: 911

I changed the name from TK X Kari to TK X Kari & Florella X TJ

(TJ's POV)

I woke up and I realized I was right next to Florella. Her hand was pressed into mine and she was holding onto Vivie and Vierra with her other hand. They were all still unconscious. I sat up slowly so I didn't disturb them in any way, including my hand, and saw a weird thing. 

I nearly screamed before I realized I'd seen this before. My mom had shown me a picture of them and their friends the Digimon. It was a Tokomon. I saw a Patamon flying above me. I beckoned for them to come over to me. The Patamon flew down and landed in front of me and the Tokomon ran over to me. 

"Are you my dad's friend Patamon?", I whispered to the Patamon. 

It nodded and whispered, "And this is your Tokomon. Your mother, Kari's, Gatomon is introducing your sister Reeta to her Nyaromon." 

I felt Florella stir and quickly pulled my hand from hers. She sat up adjusting so that she had Vivie in one arm and Vierra in the other. I took Vivie and helped Florella up. 

"Hey, Florella can I call you Floral?", I asked. 

She nodded and a Salamon and pink Gatomon ran up to us. 

The Gatomon said, "I'm  Mãnye's Digimon and this is yours, Florella." 

I noticed that the Salamon had a pink stripe underneath her collar. An Upamon and a Tanemon ran up and jumped onto Vivie and Vierra's heads. 

(Vivie got Upamon, and Vierra got Tanemon) 

I took Florella's hand and followed Gatomon and Patamon to the others. My sister was holding her Nyaromon and talking to Julieta who was holding a Motimon. 

Everyone else was scattered. 

Anthony had a Demiveemon, Winter had a Tsunomon, YJ was holding a Parurumon, David had a Wormmon, Kalie had a Demidevimon, JJ had a Bukamon, Monah got a Demieclipsomon, Tony got a Koromon, Cassy had a Tsunomon, and Melodee had a Yokomon.

Sorry, this is so short but, I have major writer's block and I can't keep up with all my stories and my schoolwork. So please be read for really long waits in between chapters, again I'm so sorry.

Word Count: 381

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