Episode 9

151 5 0

Song:  Hate Myself

(Mãnye's POV)  

I walked Kari inside and took the digivice. I looked down at the Gatomon that used to be my Salamon suddenly I had an idea. I handed Kari my tag and crest along with my digivice. 

I then said, "If I pretend to be the tenth DigiDestined then he'll have no reason to go after you! He has never seen me because I had been in the brush with Salamon when he attacked!" 

Kari put on the tag and crest and put the digivice in her pocket. As Kari put my digivice in her pocket my Gatomon de-digivolved to Salamon. I put Kari's digivice on the backpack strap from the backpack I'd had at Summercamp.

When Tai got home about three minutes later he saw us and started asking questions about what was going on. I got up and called the others for them to come over. As soon as they all were over me and Kari told them about what had happened. It was around 9:00 pm when we had finished explaining. 

"My plan goes into action tomorrow at 7:00 am," I say to all of them. 

Everyone decides to stay the night. We all go to sleep. I sleep for the first time in days. I wake up and it's 6:30 am. I wake up everyone else and we all get ready. I make sure Kari has all my stuff and I make sure Kari has Salamon. I walked outside with the others and the ten of us looked like we were about to go camping. I was in the center and we purposefully went past a bunch of the evil Digimon so their fake crests would react to the digivice on my bag. Soon we had all the evil Digimon in town behind us. They didn't think we saw them as they tried to pinpoint who had the digivice.

We slowly dropped off everyone in strategic locations until it was just me, Izzy, Tai, Luna, and Kari. They finally figured out I had the digivice. They waited for me to be alone so I dropped of Tai and Luna. We kept walking and soon Izzy left. Now it was just me and Kari so I sat on a bench and Kari sat on the other side of the walkway. The Digimon finally jumped me and I pretended to struggle against them. 

Izzy almost left his post to come over to me but Mimi stopped him. I would have to remember to thank her later. The Digimon went to leave but they were surrounded within seconds of the struggle stopping Kari stayed on the other side just as planned. 

Unfortunately, a couple of the Digimon actually managed to get away with me in tow. They were flying high and so I couldn't get away. I waited until they landed to regroup I threw them off me and ran into the street. I got across but they grabbed my hair.

I got yanked back into the road and was flat on the ground with a Digimon on top of me. I went to scream but it covered my mouth. Silent tears started rolling down my face. I tried to move any part of me but everything was pinned except my legs. I started kicking furiously. Nobody came to help me so I stopped kicking and laid there waiting for my end which I knew must be coming soon.

Don't worry nobody dies anytime soon and absolutely not a Digidestined. And especially not Mãnye. Don't know if any of you guys love her as much as I do but none of the DigiDestined are going to die.

Word count: 615

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