Episode 59

28 3 3

Song: Shatter Me

(JJ's POV)

We had heard screaming earlier from my sister and Vivie. Right now we're racing down the way they had gone. I saw a Vilemon fly out of a cave and up another one. I ran to where the Vilemon had come from, I walk in and look up. There is a smooth-walled chute leading up. 

I pulled Floral into the cave and whispered, "How do we get up this?" 

Floral pulls out her knives and starts making handholds as high as she can reach. Then she climbs up them and starts making more. I follow right behind. I don't even bother to check if anyone else is following us. 

We made it to the top and I yelled, "Vierra!" 

Beside me, Floral yelled, "Vivie!" 

We heard, "Over here!" from the nearest cage. 

I ran over to the cage and tugged open the door. I rushed in and hugged Vierra, Florella rushed in and embraced a surprised looking Vivie. They both hugged back. I picked Vierra up, grabbed her umbrella, and picked up Tanemon. I walked out of the cage with them and saw all the other kids with their Digimon. They had all de-digivolved. I waited for Floral to come out with Vivie. She led us down the dungeon and I spotted a hole in one of the room's walls. I poked Floral and pointed to it. She motioned to it, I put down Vierra and me and Bukamon carefully went into the room. I sent Bukamon up the hole that we could all easily fit in. 

He came back and said quietly, "We can get out using this." 

I nodded to Floral and then I went up after Bukamon. It was surprisingly easy to climb, almost like it was there on purpose. I kept going up in it, I glanced down once and saw Vierra behind me. I got to the top and looked around, we were in a densely packed forest. Vierra and Tanemon climbed out of the hole, followed by Floral and everyone else. We made camp, and of course, we covered the hole. 

I asked for a tent with David, Vivie, and Vierra. No one gave it a second thought. Florella had a tent with TJ, Reeta had a tent with Julieta, Kalie had a tent with Anthony, Winter bunked with Tony, Melodee bunked with Monah, and Cassy had a tent with YJ.

In the morning

We all woke up and we talked about our plans for taking down DarkAngemon. A lot had happened yesterday, and no one wanted to repeat that. Floral and Julieta had decided we'd have to destroy him. 

He'd come back as a digiegg by the next morning anyway. All we had to do was destroy him now. We talked about it for the rest of the morning. We checked for about an hour for the easiest way in and out of our clearing. Julieta was the one who actually found it.

Shoutout to Wolfie__05 and PhilipHamilton8204! These are great people and friends of mine.

Word Count: 510

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