Episode 29

79 3 0

Song: Let You Down

(Izzy's POV)

Mãnye didn't know me. Something is wrong with her. She doesn't even know her own name. I grabbed her hand and felt the sobs coming. She went to push me away but fell into the hug. I felt tears fall down her face. 

"Why do I feel so guilty about not knowing you?" 

I looked into her eyes and said, "Because we were going to be something. You and I." 

I turned around and saw her hand wreathed in black light on my shoulder. I thought of something. 

I said, "Kari come here." 

She walked over and I grabbed her hand. I put her hand against Mãnye's hand. The black light slowly receded until the only place it covered was right above her heart. A black sphere took form out of the black light. It flew up and another came straight out of  Mãnye's chest. The black spheres flew out of the hole. 

Mãnye turned to me and yelled throwing her arms around me, "Izzy! I'm so sorry!" 

She kissed me and then blushed pulling away. She climbed up the hole with nimble grace. She hooked her ankles on a branch above the hole that didn't look sturdy enough to hold her. She grabbed Salamon and set her on the side of the hole. She continued with this process until we were all out of the hole. 

She did a backflip landing on her feet on the opposite side of the hole. The hole filled itself in starting from the bottom. 

She turned and I saw a white glow around her for a moment before she started running up the hill yelling, "Come on guys!"

(3rd Person POV)

The kids ran up the mountain not stopping for a whole 10 minutes. Far away Matt was stuck in his own cave of darkness while Joe searched for him. Mimi searched for more allies while heading the same way the mass group went. 

The big group got to the top and found Piedmon on the other side of a very long field. He started walking slowly towards them.  Mãnye sent Sora and Tk off to find Matt, Mimi, and Joe and bring them back. They left and Matt made it out of his dark cave with the help of Gabumon. Joe found him soon after with Gomamon trailing after him.  

Mimi made it to the cliff leading up to the others. Unfortunately, Piedmon got there first. Mimi and Lilymon got there right after they saw Wargreymon charge Piedmon. At about the same time, Sora and Tk found Joe and Matt. They hurried back to the others and found that Piedmon had defeated Wargreymon. 

Garurumon nuzzled Wargreymon's shoulder. Matt's crest lit up and Wargreymon was perfect and new again. Metalgarurumon joined the fight and they charged Piedmon together. 

Sorry, this one has been short I wrote it all late and then took a few days to read the best series ever. I got back on my laptop and remembered this was done and so I decided to write this little note. 

Word Count: 516

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