Episode 62

27 3 2

Song: Cake

(TJ's POV)

She managed to get back with JJ and David in tow. I smiled at her and she smiled at me. Then she looked around checking to make sure everyone was there. Her smile grew and she hugged me. I smiled more and blushed. 

A Motimon from the village came up to us and said, "Thank you kind maiden for freeing us from the Vilemon! We were hoping you could could show kindness to the other poor Digimon 'The King' has enslaved?" 

We were all obviously surprised, but Florella was probably the most startled. She smiled at the Digimon and nodded. 

The Motimon smiled at her and asked, "Who is your mate?" 

Florella took a small step back and said, "M-Mate?" 

It nodded which was weird to see, it said, "Yes, I have been told humans have mates which they reproduce with. Who is yours?" 

"U-Umm, I don't ha-," she shook her head and said, "T-TJ." 

She was literally a tomato,and I'm sure I was too. 

"H-Huh?" , I said to Floral. 

The Motimon seemed super happy and was looking from me to her. Then he saluted Florella and went back into his village. 

She looked me in the eyes and said, "Sorry, but he wouldn't have left if I hadn't given an answer involving one of you guys." 

I frowned slightly and said, " So, I'm not your mate? " 

I had said it jokingly, but she said, "Of course you are!" 

I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. She grabbed my hand and hugged me tightly. 

She whispered to me quietly, "And don't forget it." 

I managed to get a small chuckle out and said, "Wouldn't dream of it!" 

Julieta said, "Wouldn't dream of what?" 

Me and Florella laughed and Floral said, "We have work to do!" 

She squeezed my hand and we walked through the woods to a nearby village, which wasn't hard to find considering the smoke and yells coming from that direction. We peeked out through a group of ferns that would provide good enough to hide the younger kids. Floral squeezed my hand and pointed to a cave opening. 

Vilemon were patrolling tenfold in front of it. Then she stood abruptly, releasing my hand, picked up Vivie and Vierra, an d started walking through the woods and around the hill. We all followed her quietly, questionably. She stopped suddenly and turned, her eyes had a weird sheen to them and the little girls she was holding were pointing this out to each other. She marched up the hill a ways before jumping into a barely visible hole. 

The rest of us followed uncertainly. We came out in a mind filled with Agumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, and Palmon. Floral shook her head and set down the girls. She cleared her throat loudly so as to be heard over the mining. Every Digimon stopped what it was doing and looked at our small army of kids. 

Florella took a step forward saying, "We are the new DigiDestined, I am Florella, this is my sister Julieta, YJ, TJ, JJ, Reeta, David, Melodee, Cassy, Monah, Winter, Anthony, Tony, Vivie, Vierra, and Kalie." 

As she said our names she pointed to us. The Digimon in front of us step back, afraid.

Hi, hope you enjoyed. Remember you like what YOU like, don't listen to anything else about what you like.

 Word count: 568

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