Episode 83; Neutral

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(A/N: I changed the rating to mature because I plan on having 3 different endings, so each episode from here on out will have 3 different versions.)

(JJ's POV)

We've been very out of sync recently, having trouble concentrating and communicating. My head has been so jumbled since getting here. The virumon I pulled from my arm looked... dead. Then it pixelated and floated away.

I rolled my eyes and kept going, Virumon no longer came toward me after that. It wasn't hard for me at all to get to the castle. I didn't care that I was found out, so what? I walked purposefully into the castle, I had no weapons and no Digimon. Just myself, but I was needed and this was the way to get there.

The first Digimon I encountered was a Biyomon. Oh, no, not just any Biyomon, Melodee's Biyomon. I still had one of Reeta's arrows, which I brandished as we faced each other. We both moved at the same time.

(Anthony's POV)

Something felt wrong, I looked around and saw how many people we were missing. Tony was one of them, I slipped out and thought to myself that it was far too easy to leave unseen. I looked around, seeing something sickeningly red on the path we came in on. I ran over fearing the worst.

There on the ground was a hand laying in a puddle of blood, the painted nails showed that it belonged to my love. My Tony. I followed the trail of blood as it lead to a nearby river. My heart sank as I ran forward and into the water to pull him out. I didn't care when my head went under.

His hand was cut off, but the bleeding had stopped and I was able to pull my love out of the water. He wasn't breathing, so I removed the clothing over his chest to start CPR compressions. Yelling out for help. It didn't take long for Tony to take a sudden, deep breath. It likely had something to do with the fact that he breathed the water out of Tony's lungs.

Melodee came running out at my call, looking around, "Is he the only one out here? I did a headcount and counting the two of you, we only have 12 of our 20 people. And what happened to his hand?"

Melodee and I carried Tony inside, my chest hurt from the pollution and I felt sick but I should be fine. Tony and I were sent to lay down in the back. I held him close as his arm was bandaged. I didn't want to ever let him go again. I had missed the ding of my phone as my picture was posted all over the internet. A picture of me pulling my lover out of the water.

(JJ's POV)

She shot a spiral twister that singed my arm, at the same time, I stabbed the virumon stuck to her neck. My arm burned a large angry red burn there. She bled a bit but was mostly fine. She snapped, "Where's Mel?!"

"She's at the hollow," I stated before walking right past her. She flew after me, continuing to ask questions that I honestly couldn't care enough to answer right now. We came to a dark hallway, I didn't realize it at first, but Gatomon was there. I finally noticed when she sank her teeth into my arm. I threw her off, throwing the arrow after her. I held my arm in a tight grip to stop the bleeding.

In the background, I heard Biyomon fighting with Gatomon and then smelled the toxicity of a Virmon dying. I turned to the two Digimon, their words not comprehending to me, so I just kept walking forward. Soon, Veemon came bolting around a corner and headbutt me in the ribs. I didn't realize what was going on at first, but I ended up ripping a Virumon off of him and squeezing it to death in my hand.

These interactions continued for a while. I had a big group with me now: Biyomon, Gatomon, Veemon, Hawkmon, Agumon, Palmon, Chuumon, Lovemon, Gazimon, and Gizamon. The only one missing was Gomamon, at least of the Digimon that weren't at the hollow when we got here. Hawkmon had slashed across my cheek, I had a burn on my leg from Agumon, I was nearly strangled to death by Palmon, Chuumon bit me, Lovemon clawed around my eye (that eye was already blind though), Gazimon breathed poison gas into my face making me feel really sick, and Gizamon used its spiral saw attack to cut across my leg. 

I tried to open the door in this room multiple times, but it was locked. I found that the entire castle was made of black brick. All the doors were a dark wood, even the fire seemed dark. To make matters worse, when I opened the next door, Gomamon was there with a bunch of Virumon on him. Chained to the wall in the back was Floral. 


So glad he's my best friend... The fish hit my leg where Gizamon had and made the cut worse. I tackled him and started ripping out Virumon, the Digimon around me helped. He was clear of Virumon after a moment and I hurried into the open room. In the room was David, Florella, TJ, Reeta, Julieta, Winter, and Monah. I saw the keys on the floor and grabbed them, hurrying to David to start unlocking the cuffs. I managed to get to all of them before the world spun and I fell to the ground. Right next to the unconscious Reeta. Luckily, before I passed out, I saw David had his staff. He'd be able to help me. Unfortunately, the only way they could save me was to remove my left leg so that my body could be healed. Florella and David managed to work together to heal me.

I know it's not as long as normal, but there are 3 versions.

Word Count: 996

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