Episode 82

15 3 2

(TJ's POV)


I heard the ding and looked down at my phone before turning it off. One good thing about the Digiworld? Our phones stay charged. I glanced at the Digimon sitting by their owners. I spoke directly to them. It was only Gatomon and Tentomon. "Stay with the girls. Don't let anything happen to them, please."

Once I got nods from all of them or something similar, I got up and left the room. Patamon flew by my shoulder, talking gently in my ear. We were soon outside and began to run. I was running through the woods. I wasn't entirely sure where we were even going. We just ran. I had to get somewhere. 

Soon we were deep in the jungle, far away from the hospital and the cavern. I looked around to try to understand where we were. "Patamon," I spoke quietly as I spun to try to figure it out, "Where are we..?"

The Digimon also looked around confused, "Oh... TJ, I don't know..." 

Patamon and I turned to try to go back the way we came, only to find our way was blocked by vines. I spun to get my bearings but every exit I had seen had disappeared. Vines got closer and closer until Patamon and I were circled within a 10 by 10 sphere of vines. The only thing not within the vines was a camera.

The camera flashed and I threw up my arms to cover my face. I turned my back to the camera in hopes that I had reacted fast enough. But alas, I must have been too slow.


I hit against the vine walls of the sphere, trying to get out. I carry metal pipes, but they weren't helping. I was trying as hard as possible, but I was utterly stuck. In the dark with only my phone and its sudden hundreds of messages and Patamon. In here though, my phone was rapidly losing battery.

I wouldn't know until much later that the battery life on our phones isn't from the Digital World specifically, but rather from within ourselves. The happier and more optimistic we are, the higher our percentage.

(David's POV)

I looked down at my phone, we weren't supposed to send anything to anyone, but looking at who'd been caught wouldn't hurt. I saw a message from an unknown number that showed a picture of TJ. The same I just saw, except with a map. It had to be a trap... It had to be, but I had no choice. I had to go. I couldn't just leave him there alone.

"Flo," I spoke despite her not being there with me, "I'm going to find TJ, he's stuck somewhere, if anything happens, send JJ for me."

Kalie sent me a confused look before I grabbed my staff off of my back and began to run into the woods. Following the map on my phone and putting marks on trees I passed when I could. Wormmon followed closely by my side, I didn't want him to get hurt, but I was glad he was there.

I skidded to a stop in front of the vines and stood with my staff in front of me. Cody had taught me how to fight with the staff. I hit the vines to see how thick they were. The answer? Incredibly thick. I pressed my staff into the vines, digging the tip into one. Then, I called up all the energy I could to channel into the staff.

The staff glowed and the disgusting scent of burning flesh accompanied it. Smoke curled up from my hands as they exploded with pain, it hurt so bad but I refused to stop. I had to get through these vines, I had to get him out. I felt tears stream down my cheeks. 

There was a noise behind me, but I couldn't turn to look. Wormmon grunted in pain before my digivice started going off. Wormmon digivolved to Stingmon to fight whatever was behind me. Between the staff and the digivolution, my energy was nearly gone. 

I struggled to keep it up, my eyes felt heavy and it was getting hard to breathe properly. The vine in front of me finally gave way a bit.


The hole wasn't big enough for a person, but it was all I could do. Everything went dark, and I fell to the ground. The last thing I heard was a male voice call, "David!"

(Tony's POV)

I was outside of the hollow, when I saw Winter in the distance, outside the safety barrier, carrying Monah. My eyes widened and I ran toward them. "Monah! WInter!" Winter glared at me, but carefully lowered Monah to the ground where I grabbed her hand. "It's going to be alright, Monah..." My voice was quiet.


I didn't even care anymore, just holding onto my sibling and hoping they would be alright. I felt a sob hit my throat, forcing its way out. I continued to sob until it morphed. Turning into a scream of rage and pain. I hated that Monah wasn't waking up, I was so scared. Something hard connected with the back of my head and everything went dark.

(JJ's POV)

Out of nowhere, I got a call from Florella. I went outside of the hollow, facing away from the paths and I was told that JJ and TJ had been captured by Ms. Grace. I was given coordinates to her base of operations. I didn't question why Florella had that information, I trusted her. As well as the fact that it may have slipped my mind that she could no longer see the future.

I headed out, when the boss tells you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. You get up and leave. So, that's what I did. I followed the coordinates since they were based on the hollow. It took a while but I finally started getting close. I could see it now. Far ahead of me. A huge black castle loomed over top of a lake.

Something wasn't right, but I had to be the reliable one

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Something wasn't right, but I had to be the reliable one. I had to do what the group needed of me. Otherwise, I'm just a worthless disappointment. My parents are great, but my teachers and grandparents..? Not so much. My mother and father travel a lot with Vierra, so I'm not around them too often.

I was on a path. and soon heard something moving off to my left side. I sped up my pace, a pebble rolling up beside me on the path. A black, circular pebble. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't a pebble at all, but rather a Virumon.

The way I found out was it launching itself straight up and into the flesh of my arm. I spun to try to pull it off, but I felt it dig itself in first. My vision blurred, but I still dug my fingers into my arm and ripped it out.


Word Count: 1164

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