Episode 52

37 3 0

Song: Empty

(Monah's POV)

Melodee was next to me. I blushed slightly and opened my bag. Demieclipsomon. She tackled me in a hug and Melodee led me out of the cell. Melodee grabbed my hand and then checked no one was around and kissed me. I was so surprised that I didn't move. 

She pulled away and looked down. "Sorry,  you're probably disgusted that I did that, 'No one will love you, no one likes lesbians,' that's what my mom says," she said. 

I turned her to face me and kissed her. She kissed me back, then I heard someone clear their throat behind us. We pulled away blushing and I turned around. My brother Tony was behind us and then everyone else rounded the corner. They saw us blushing and were probably putting two and two together. 

"Uhm, l-let's g-go", I said after clearing my throat. 

Florella nodded and said, "We need to find a new hiding place." 

"I got one," said Melodee, "I saw it when we were running." 

She motioned for us to follow her and then started walking. I drew my katanas and followed close behind her. She showed us a blocked off door. 

"How do we get in?", I asked. 

She pointed at the next room. I walked in and saw a window big enough for us to go through. 

I walked up to it and peeked inside completely dark, "Cassy, we need your flashlight." 

She moved up next to me and shined her light in. The room was big enough for all of us, it even had desks. The type that have chairs attached to them. I climbed through the window and then lifted Vivie and Vierra in. I took a step back and waited until everyone was in. I went up to Melodee, grabbed her hand,  and walked to the two desks farthest from all the others. 

"What are we gonna do when we get out of this room?", I asked her. 

We sat down and she said, "We'll face him, even if we have to do it ourselves." 

Cassy and YJ pull over two more desks and Cassy said, "You won't have to I'll help. Will you YJ?" 

YJ nods and we see Kalie, David, Anthony, JJ, Winter, and Tony walk over pulling more desks and Kalie said, "We'll help too." 

Vivie and Vierra walk over, "Us too!", they say. 

Florella, TJ, Reeta, and Julieta were to far away to hear anything we were saying. I'm sure they would've said they'd help too. Just then the floor beneath the big group broke and we fell into a cave system. I looked around and saw our parents Digimon. I looked up and saw Floral, TJ, Julieta, and Reeta's faces above us. I looked at Armadillomon and just glared. 

He smiled at me and I grabbed Melodee's hand and pulled her down the cave system. Our Digimon followed us and I saw a way up. I started climbing, I turned around to make sure Melodee was making it up ok. As soon as I turned she stared down at something below my feet. 

I looked down and saw something black. The thing made a hole beneath me and I fell down a little ways. Melodee tried to keep me up, but she couldn't hold me up. I fell a long way, but I didn't get hurt.

Word Count: 564

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